

Here is an overview of the basic concepts you want to get familiar with:

  • branches
  • vehicle categories
  • vehicles
  • users
  • rentals


Branches are a way for you to set up and organize your operations. Imagine that you have some free-floating bikes in Nice and Montpellier, France. You could organize branches this way:

  • My Company
    • France
      • Montpellier
      • Nice

This helps with keeping things tidy. For each branch, you can configure different options:

  • Details
  • Pricing
  • Deposit
  • Rental requirements
  • Business area
  • Compatible branches
  • Business hours
  • App image

Each vehicle belongs to a certain branch. You can easily view and manage vehicles from different branches and access rentals that happened in each of them.

More detailed information for branches can be found here Branches.

Vehicle categories

Each vehicle belongs to a vehicle category, and vehicles of the same vehicle category share a set of common properties. For each vehicle category, you would set:

  • Internal name
  • Vehicle display name in the dashboard
  • Name and description in the app
  • High, Medium, Low, and Critical SoC %
  • Max speed
  • An image
  • A list of possible commands
  • A list of parts
  • Pricing
  • Rental requirements
  • Any additions
  • Reservation cancellation reasons

For example, all your bikes in Nice and Montpellier would share the same image and the list of possible commands that can be executed (start, stop, lock, unlock, open saddle, open tail box, lock tail box, alarm on, alarm off, set max speed, reboot async manual, locate / ring, unlock the tail box, reboot, set mode to default, reboot sync, unlock bike lock), so that you don't have to do it for each vehicle. It makes things easier to manage.

More detailed information for vehicle categories can be found here Vehicle categories.


For each vehicle, you can set unique properties to identify them (name, license plate, QR code...).

You can also control them remotely (start, stop...).

Depending on the vehicle, you can also get some useful information:

  • power state
  • battery's state of charge
  • odometer
  • last position
  • ID of the vehicle
  • name of the vehicle
  • license plate
  • QR code

More detailed information for vehicles can be found here Vehicles.


Users are anyone using your system: customers, but also administrators, service agents, customer support agents...

You will find all relevant details about each and every user, such as:

  • name
  • address
  • phone number
  • payment methods

More detailed information for users can be found here Users.


You may want users to book a vehicle in advance. The system will check for available vehicles at the location and dates selected so that the user can select a vehicle.


Whenever someone rents a vehicle, a rental is created. It contains important information such as:

  • who made the rental
  • when did they start and end their rental
  • where did they start and end their rental
  • how much did it cost
  • is there a booking connected to the rental
  • which vehicle was rented
  • the map with the vehicle movement
  • how long did the user reserve the vehicle
  • how long did the user drive and park the vehicle
  • the rating
  • after rental image
  • any comments or issues

More detailed information for rentals can be found here Rentals.

In short:

  • Organize and setup your operations with branches
  • Configure vehicle categories and set common properties to be shared by different vehicles
  • Identify, get information, and control vehicles remotely
  • Access and manage users
  • Check rentals details