
Get an overview of the service states of the vehicles

Vehicles by service state

You will see the distribution of the vehicles in percentage by service state.

Important note:

In order, for this analysis to be shown correctly, the different states have to be either adjusted in the settings (Low SoC, Critical SoC) or properly maintained e.g. vehicles should only be set on Retired, if the vehicle as a whole, has been replaced and not only parts of it (QR-code, license plate, etc.).

Average vehicle availability

This is the basic Available vs Unavailable chart, so you can see the fleet health changing over time. The legend below marks the 'Available' and 'Unavailable' vehicle lines and you can press it to hide or show any of the lines.

Values can be displayed as a percentage or count of vehicles in the fleet, and they can be filtered by the vehicle category and custom time frame. Please note that the values displayed will be in regard to the branch you have selected. Also please note that the values that are displayed will be the averages for smaller time periods.


Vehicle unavailability causes

For the unavailable part of the fleet, you can easily see which reasons are present and in which amount. In this line chart, you can see:

  • Available vehicles
  • Vehicles unavailable due to their battery level (Low, Critical, or unknown)
  • Vehicles unavailable due to their charging state (charging, with current SoC below charging limit)
  • Vehicles unavailable due to their IoT state (Offline)
  • Vehicles unavailable due to their service state (Out of order)

If a vehicle is unavailable for multiple reasons, it will be categorized based on the strongest reason. The order of unavailability reasons, from least to most important, is:

  1. Unavailable due to main battery level
  2. Unavailable due to charging state
  3. Unavailable due to IoT state
  4. Unavailable due to service state

Example: the vehicle is Out of order and has a Critical battery level. It will be placed in the Out of order group in the chart because even if the battery is swapped or recharged, the vehicle will still be unavailable due to its service state.

Similar to the above-mentioned Fleet availability graph, any of the lines in the chart can be turned on or off by pressing it in the legend, for isolation of certain cases that you want to see at the time.

Values in this chart can be displayed as percentages or counts of vehicles in the fleet and can be filtered by the vehicle category, and custom time frame, all within the currently selected branch. Also please note that the values that are displayed will be the averages for smaller time periods.



Battery level distribution of Operational vehicles

Vehicles that are out of order or offline have more problems than just the main battery state. Swapping batteries or recharging those vehicles won’t help to get them back to the Available state. The goal of this chart is to show the main battery state of vehicles that are otherwise operational (by their service state and IoT state), and how it changes over time. It will highlight the peaks of the day/week when most vehicles are unavailable due to their battery level, so it will be easier to shift plan.

In this line chart, users can see separate lines for vehicles with battery levels High, Medium, Low, Critical, and Unknown. Similar to the previous two charts, any of the lines in the chart can be turned on/off by clicking on it in the legend, for isolation of certain cases that you wish to see at the time.

Values in this chart can be displayed as percentages or counts of vehicles in the fleet, it can be filtered by the vehicle category, and custom time frame all within the currently selected branch. Also please note that the values that are displayed will be the averages for smaller time periods.


For these graphs, you can “zoom in” on the selected timeframe by using the date picker, but also by interacting with the chart. This is presented in the video below:
