
Branches are a way for you to organize your operations.


The table shows the list of branches. It is possible to search and filter for certain columns.

Types of branches


A billable branch contains all details used to bill end-users such as currency, VAT rate, company details, etc.

Please do not create a billable branch as a child of another billable branch, as the information for your billing will not show up correctly. A new billable branch should be created when, for example, you expand operations to another country, or you need to create another branch with different Terms and Conditions.


A simple way to organize your branch tree.

Free floating

A free floating branch contains all details to manage a free-floating operation.

Booking / Booking with fixed time-slot

Both of these booking branches contain all details needed to manage a booking operation. At the moment they have the same options available and can be used interchangeably.

Using the booking branch to manage a booking operation you can offer users to book a vehicle for a certain amount of time (eg: 3 hours) and for a desired time period selected by the user.


You can read more about the end-user app setup of the booking branches by reviewing the Theme option in the app settings.

States of branches


As you configure your branch, for example before rolling out a new city.

Error code R106.


Bookings and/or rentals are possible.


Bookings and rentals are not possible.

Error code R106.


Bookings and rentals are not possible.

Error code R105.


Bookings and rentals are not possible. The branch is hidden from the list of branches in the branch selector of the dashboard. It’s not visible in the goUrban end-user app.


Can I delete a branch?

No but you can set it as out of business. It will disappear from the list of branches from the branch selector.

Do branches inherit properties from their parent? 

No, they do not. The sole purpose is to organize the branches in a tree.

Where does the hierarchy affect settings?

When applying Roles and permissions, changes will be approved to the selected branch and all children of the selected branch.

Find Roles and permissions details here.