Vehicle category - Details


Internal name

The name of the vehicle category for internal reference (e.g.: OKAI EB100 bikes).

Vehicle name display in dashboard

Choose what should be shown in the dashboard. Depending on the vehicle category, you may want to show the name, the license plate or the code, etc.

Name in app

The name which will be displayed in the app (e.g.: Blue Funky Bike).

Description in app (for bookings)

Describe the vehicle to the users during their booking process. Depending on the screen size of the end-user phone, more or fewer characters can be displayed. goUrban recommends a maximum of 300 characters, which shall fit most screen sizes.


Choose between one of the options (car, kick-scooter...). This is important so the correct icon is shown on the map.


Set to active if you want users to be able to book the vehicles of that vehicle category.

Booking factor (only visible, if “bookable” is enabled)

The factor of possible bookings by the number of vehicles available.

Medium SoC % (SoC = State of Charge)

The threshold for when the vehicle pins will become orange on the map, however, vehicles are still available for rental.

Low SoC % (SoC = State of Charge)

The percentage at which the vehicle should show as a “Low SoC” on the dashboard. The vehicle will disappear in the end-user app as soon as this threshold is reached.

Note: If a vehicle is reserved while above the Low SoC% threshold the user will be able to rent it if the SoC level falls to or under the Low Soc%, but no more than 3%. For example:

If the low threshold is 20%, and a user reserves the vehicle at 21%, the user will still be able to rent that particular vehicle even if during the reservation it falls down to 17%. That is the minimum SoC% needed to still be able to rent. For all other users, the vehicle will be invisible as soon as it reaches the Low SoC% threshold.

Critical SoC %

The percentage at which the vehicle should show as a “Critical SoC” on the dashboard. The critical SoC gives an additional granularity to filter for critical batteries in the dashboard or Service app. This vehicle will also not be visible in the end-user app.

Max speed

Set a maximum speed for the respective vehicle category. It can take up to 30min to be effective at the vehicle.

Important note: not all vehicles support this functionality. Please get in contact with if there are questions about your vehicle.

Restricted areas max speed

Set a maximum speed in restricted areas for the respective vehicle category. It can take up to 30min to be effective at the vehicle.

Important note: not all vehicles support this functionality. Please get in contact with if there are questions about your vehicle.

General note on the max speed feature

A vehicle will only set a new speed limit, when it is entering or leaving a restricted area, or when a command has been sent directly to the vehicle.


Max speed: 30 km/h

Restricted areas max speed: 10 km/h

You go on a normal street for about 1km. At the end of the street, a pedestrian zone starts. You have set a restricted business area over the pedestrian area (which is 500m long).

As soon as you arrive at the pedestrian zone, the IoT in your vehicle sends a GPS position to the goUrban backend, which will trigger a command. The command sent is “10 km/h”. You go through the entire business area and as soon as you reach the end, the IoT will send again a GPS signal to the goUrban backend and the maximum speed will be 30 km/h again.

Important note:

You have to enter both, max speed and restricted areas max speed. If not, there will only be one command sent when entering a restricted business area (if max speed is missing a value), but no command when leaving this area. The maximum speed will remain on the level of restricted areas max speed.

You can also send a speed limit via the vehicle quick-view: Commands-button. Keep in mind the limitations above!