Users page


Under the Users- button, the table shows the list of users in your system. The table can be expanded or reduced by selecting the “gear”-wheel symbol on the right of the table header. It is possible to search and filter for certain columns.

Add user

The button +Add New allows you to add a new user to the system. If you want the user to be able to access the dashboard, also create a password for the respective user.


You can download a CSV file of users.

Note: It is only possible to download one page at a time. If you want to download more information, kindly reach out to with your request.


Under the Invoices- button, the table shows the list of invoices that have been generated. The table can be expanded or reduced by selecting the “gear”-wheel symbol on the right of the table header. It is possible to search and filter for certain columns.

When selecting one of the invoices in the table (click on the invoice ID), a new browser tab will open and show the invoice as a pdf.

You can send invoices directly via this tab when the Manage column is activated. You have two options: Refund or Send depending if an invoice has already been issued or not.


Under the Rights- button, the table shows the rights of users in your system.


Under the Logs- button, the table shows the logs. The table can be expanded or reduced by selecting the “gear”-wheel symbol on the right of the table header.

Note: In column “Events” are all events listed that exist. Be aware, that not all events are working fully functional, as not every manufacturer is supporting the events.