Basic setup

There is a lot to think of when it comes to starting a shared mobility operation. The dashboard lets you set things up. Here is a quick summary of things to do.

Organize operations

Where: Settings / Branches

You first want to get things organized. Start by setting up your branches in a logical way.

We will use the example of an operator EasyGo with a fleet of bikes in Nice, France, and Bari, Italy.

Given our example, you could set your branches like this:

  • EasyGo
    • France billable
      • Nice
    • Italy billable
      • Bari

More details can be found here:


Where: Settings / Branches

See that you have two billable branches (France and Italy). For each billable branch, set:

  • currency
  • VAT percentage
  • invoice details (name, address...)

Make sure to assign to Nice and Bari branches their respective billable branch (France and Italy).

More details can be found here:

Business areas

Where: Settings / Branches

For each branch Nice and Bari, define the area where users can end a rental.

More details can be found here:

Vehicle categories

Where: Settings / Vehicle categories

For each vehicle category, make sure that the proper details are added.

More details can be found here:


Where: Settings / Vehicles

Make sure each vehicle has all relevant details (name, license plate, QR code...) and is operational. Test each vehicle's connectivity by sending some test commands. If something doesn't work, set the vehicle to out of order until you can fix it.


Where: Settings / Vehicle categories/ Pricing, Branches/ Pricing

Pricing is set for each vehicle category and for each branch.

It means that whenever a rental is ended, the system checks in which branch the rental has happened and which vehicle category the vehicle belongs to determine the price of the rental.

More details can be found here:

Rental requirements

Where: Settings / Vehicle categories, Branches

Similar to pricing, rental requirements are set for each vehicle category and for each branch.

More details can be found here:

Referral program

Where: Settings / Referral requirements, Vouchers, Branches

If you want to run a referral program, make sure to configure certain requirements that the user has to fulfill so that they can refer a friend. The same goes for the referee. It limits abuse.

Create a voucher to be handed over to the referee and the referrer whenever a user redeems a referral code. Assign the voucher to the billable branch.

There is a lot more you can do, such as translations, packages... but above is the very minimum that needs to be set up.

Once you are ready, you can update your branches Nice and Bari to Operational so that the vehicles are shown in your app.

Additionally, if you are using the goUrban white-label app, make sure to customize it to your brand.