Business area

Set areas for each option.

Business area

An area where users can start and end their rental.

Prohibited area

An area where users can't end their rental. Parking is also not possible.

Restricted area

Depending on the vehicle and/or IoT, it is possible to use this area to lower the speed of the vehicles. Vehicles are able to park and rentals can be ended here.

For example:

  • OKAI Kick-scooter
  • Ninebot ES MAX
  • Feishen 

Please check the Vehicles and IoTs table for more information.

Important: If the restricted area overlaps with another one, this can cause the functionality of speed reduction to not work anymore. If there is an overlap, either try to separate these areas or draw a restricted area, that is continuous. See the picture below for reference.

The red circle shows a problematic restricted area overlap that can cause a malfunction. The restricted area below the bigger one shows a clear separation.

Playground area

Use this to create new areas and save them on your computer. They aren't saved on our system.

You can build and edit areas without having a business impact. If you are happy, you can export the area and import it into the business area, prohibited area, etc.


Make sure to draw the area big enough every time. GPS signals are not always reliable and users could have issues ending a rental in an area that is too small. Therefore, try to avoid tapered areas when drawing.

A business area with a tapered shape shall be avoided, as the GPS signal is not accurate to this extent

You can update the color of the restricted area and of the prohibited area. It will be used to show across the dashboard (main map, rental details map...).

Also please note that restricted areas have no impact/effect on the end rental/parking status, they are only able to reduce the speed.

There is no rule regarding the size or combination of the areas (there can be a zone having the 3 kinds of areas active (business, restricted, prohibited) and the user won´t be able to stop the rental as soon as one of the areas does not allow it.

To change the color in the app, go to Theme or to App in Branches.

Cutout area

If you wish to cut out a part of a standard area please use the cutout option by selecting the area you wish to change and pressing the scissors icon in the business area creation tab.