Vehicle categories, rental requirements, pricing, and branches

Pricing classes and rental requirement classes work the same way.

They must be defined in:

  • one or more vehicle categories
  • one or more branches

Example GOWILD

Let's take the example of an operator GOWILD, with a business in Italy and Spain.

They offer bikes and scooters (two vehicle categories).

Their branch setup looks like this:

    • Italy
      • Bologna
    • Spain
      • Barcelona
      • Madrid


It costs the same to rent a scooter in Italy and in Spain. So they created only one pricing class for scooters, with the name Pricing scooter.

It's more expensive to rent bikes in Italy than it is in Spain. So they created two pricing classes:

  • Pricing bike Italy
  • Pricing bike Spain

They can now check the branches Bologna, Barcelona and Madrid to assign the right pricing class.

In Bologna, they assign:

  • Scooter / Pricing scooter
  • Bike / Pricing bike Italy

In Barcelona and Madrid, they assign:

  • Scooter / Pricing scooter
  • Bike / Pricing bike Spain

As soon as they update something in the Pricing scooter class, the changes will take effect for both Italy and Spain.

The pricing that has been defined includes any possible VAT. The VAT can be different for each billable branch in Italy and Spain. To read more about the pricing please visit the following link:


Rental requirements

Scooter rental requirements are the same in both countries, so they create one rental requirement class:

  • Scooter default

Bike rental requirements are different in every city.

  • In Bologna, the bike must be attached to a docking station (end rental requirement).

In Madrid and in Barcelona, there is no docking station but the age requirement is different:

  • In Madrid, the rider must be a minimum of 13 years old and in Barcelona, the rider must be a minimum of 16 years old.

For their bike category, they create 3 rental requirement classes:

  • Bike with docking station
  • Bike 13 yo
  • Bike 16 yo

They can now check the branches to assign the right rental requirement class.

In Bologna, they assign:

  • Scooter / Scooter default
  • Bike / Bike with docking station

In Barcelona, they assign:

  • Scooter / Scooter default
  • Bike / Bike 16 yo

In Madrid, they assign:

  • Scooter / Scooter default
  • Bike / Bike 13 yo

For more information regarding Rental requirements please follow this link:

Rental requirements