Rental Requirements

Rental requirements are a set of rules that apply to start and end a rental. You can access the rental requirements of the selected branch in the settings.

Note: The branch needs to have Rental requirements (in branches) assigned to the Vehicle categories, so you can access it via the side menu. The easiest way to access the Rental requirements(in vehicle categories) would be through the vehicle categories option.

Rental requirements quick-view

The rental requirements quick-view show all details about the rental requirements.


You can see the name of the rental requirement and you are able to change the name if you wish. We suggest giving a name that will make it clear to which vehicle category it should be related. (example: Scooter rental requirements)

Start requirements

The requirements that have to be fulfilled for a user to be able to start a rental. The options are:

  • Minimum age (as a number)
  • Reservation maximum distance in meters - The maximum distance the user can be away from the vehicle and still be able to reserve it.
  • Rental maximum distance in meters - The maximum distance the user can be away from the vehicle and still be able to start a rental.
  • Minimum balance with payment source - The minimum amount that the user has to have on his default balance to start a rental if they have a payment source.
  • Minimum balance without payment source - The minimum amount that the user has to have on his default balance to start a rental if they do not have a payment source.
  • Has signed up (the user has to be created in the system, either via the app or via the dashboard)
  • Has email address
  • Has phone
  • Has first name
  • Has last name
  • Has birth date
  • Has street
  • Has postcode
  • Has city
  • Has country
  • Has credit card
  • Has bought package via IDEAL...
  • Has any type of payment method
  • Has paid sign up fee via IDEAL...
  • Has paid sign up fee via credit card
  • Has a verified driving license (Veriff has to be enabled and setup if this is marked as true)
  • Driving license category (Veriff is extracting license categories A, AM, and B automatically. In case of Manual verification please add the driving license category manually to the user in the User quick-view)
  • Has been verified manually (Users can sign up but won’t be able to rent if they haven’t been verified manually. Find more information under Manual verification)
  • Within business hours (Opening hours / Business hours)
  • Settle negative balance - Before every rental starts the system will attempt to settle any negative balance, and only once that is complete the rental can start.

End requirements

Requirements your users have to fulfill to be able to end a rental. The options are:

  • Vehicle is in business area
  • Vehicle is not in prohibited area
  • Vehicle is charging
  • Tail box is closed
  • Speed is zero
  • Vehicle must be turned off
  • Helmet(s) detected
  • Bike lock locked

Related categories

A full list of vehicle categories using the selected rental requirements.