Manual verification

It is possible to verify users manually when they sign up or rent a vehicle in the goUrban environment using manual verification.

How does it work?

There are two possibilities for manual verification, which you can choose:

  1. Manual verification during the sign-up process of the user
  2. Manual verification for a specific vehicle category. The user will only be asked to be verified manually if the user wants to rent a specific vehicle category.

Manual verification was designed for operations where there may be more to be checked (driving license, contract, damage history of a user, reliability,...), for example, a company renting vehicles for delivery to “trusted” drivers, or Uber-like companies, etc. because it requires a person to click on every user and approve or decline.

Intended process flow

Option 1: Manual verification during the sign-up process of the user.

If this option is desired, only goUrban can activate this possibility for you. Kindly reach out to your Customer Success Manager or to the support team via

During sign-up, the user is asked to fill out all the relevant questions and fields you require in the App settings. Besides the unique identifier (email or telephone number) this can be personal and/or payment details. After a user has entered this information, they will be prompted to the map where the user can select vehicles, but will not be possible to rent until the manual verification will be approved by an admin in the dashboard in the User quick-view. Until the user is approved, a warning message will be displayed in the side menu of the app.

Option 2: Manual verification for specific vehicle categories.

If this option is selected, you have to enable it for the specific Vehicle categories in the dashboard, adapting or creating new Rental requirements.

The user is already in the app and has signed up. It may be, that the user had to verify with Veriff already, but you decided that additional manual verification is needed for some vehicle categories. The user will then get an error message in the app, which tells him, that additional verification is necessary. This error message can be adapted and translated via Localization.

Error code is U704 and the translation keys are:
1. rental-requirements.manual-processing
2. rental-requirements.manual-rejected
3. rental-requirements.manual-retry
4. rental-requirements.manual-not-verified

Be aware that this is a very advanced option, as the manual effort ideally has to be made before the user realizes that he needs to be verified and shall only be used in very specific use cases. 


In general, the intended flow from a dashboard perspective suggests, that an admin is checking approximately 2-3 times a day (depending on the influx of new users) the Users page in the dashboard, filters for manual verification, and approves after a short check the new users in the User Quickview.


There are notifications (email, push or SMS) when a user is approved, rejected or the user needs to retry. These have Notification channelswhich can be configured via the dashboard. Only the approve function is currently available in the User Quickview in the dashboard.

Note: Reject and retry for manual verification is currently not available.

Is automation possible?

The simple answer is: Yes! goUrban has an external company integrated with the environment, called Veriff. With Veriff it is possible to verify users without any human interaction. Please be aware that Veriff supports lots of document types (passport, driving license...) but the goUrban system only supports driving licenses.

Note: goUrban will only activate one verification method (manual or automated (via Veriff)) during the sign-up process, because anything else will make no sense for your business.