User Quickview

When you click on a user you will see the quick-view.

The user quick-view shows all details about a user.

You can:

  • block a user
  • send a message to the user
    1. via push notification
    2. via SMS
  • Actions: the dropdown allows multiple actions for a user.
    1. Allow login via SMS
    2. Send reset password email
    3. Show Veriff: pop-out with information about Veriff.
      • Note: You will be able to see the images of the driving license of the user. You will also see the option to Approve, Retry or Reject a driver’s license
    4. Approve driving license / Reset driving license approval
      • Note: This is another way to Approve or Reject a driver's license other than the one described above.
    5. Approve manual verification (find more info under Manual verification)
    6. Reject manual verification
    7. Retry manual verification
    8. Mark sign-up fee as paid
    9. Change home billable branch
    10. Show permissions: assign a role or permission to a user.
      1. Note: It is possible to create custom roles with custom permissions. Please reach out to your customer success manager.
    11. Sign out from devices
      1. Note: Please keep in mind that sign-out from all devices can take from 1 min and up to 1h.
    12. Delete: deletes the user, but an entry will remain in the table, which shows a deleted user.

The available tabs are:


You can see and edit the information of a user.


All bookings of this user will be shown here. When selecting one booking, you will be redirected to the Booking quick-view.


All rentals of this user will be shown here. When selecting one rental, you will be redirected to the Rental quick-view.


If there has been a note, you can see it. You can add notes too. It is possible to delete a note. Then it will no longer appear in this tab.


If there has been an issue, you can see it. You can add issues too. When selecting one issue, you will be redirected to the issue quick-view. More information can be found under Create an issue.


There is a dropdown where you can see the different balances for the selected user. A user can have a balance for every billable branch that exists.

It is possible to Add/remove credits of a user by clicking on this button and giving a reason why this happened. It is also possible to Settle the balance of a user.

Unsuccessful balance settlements can also be found here, and they allow you to see the history of unsuccessful balance settlements with the date and time when the balance settlement tried to be settled, the reason why it failed, the amount, and the Transaction ID from Payment Service Provider to see even more details about the transaction.

It also allows you to generate an invoice for collection. When doing so the balance history will now display the “Collection invoice” line item as a description, instead of “Settlement”. This description will be applied only for future invoices generated for collection. Also, please note that when you click on the “Generate invoice for collection” button, a notification will pop up saying “Invoice for collection successfully created”.

Note: you will not get asked for confirmation when clicking the Settle balance button. All balances will be settled if possible.

The balance tab will also show you an overview of the balance history of a user.


You can see an overview of all vouchers and details about the given vouchers in this tab. It is also possible to add a voucher for this user, by selecting one of the pre-defined Customer care vouchers.

Payment methods

All payment methods of a user are shown in this tab. It is possible to delete the payment method of a user too.


All invoices and the status of a user, are shown in this tab. When clicking on one of the invoices, a new browser tab will open and show the invoice as a pdf. You also have three options for an invoice:

  • send an invoice by email
  • refund
  • download

Business accounts

All business accounts of a user are listed in this tab. When clicking on one of the email addresses, you will be redirected to the Business accounts quick-view. The Search- symbol indicates if a user is the owner of a business account.


All messages that have been sent to a user can be viewed under this tab. It is indicated if either an SMS, EMAIL or a PUSH notification has been sent. You will also see a time stamp when the respective message has been sent in UTC.


You can upload files that might be important for this user.


The advanced section was designed for employees of an operator. Here you can upload an Avatar - image that will be shown on the top right of the dashboard.

The default branch and start page of the dashboard are crucial, especially for bigger operators. The employee will then start on the right page without navigating to it.

The dashboard is available in 2 languages:

  • English
  • German