Notification channels

Manage how users get updated about the activity of their accounts.


Navigate to “Settings” in the dashboard and find “Notification channels”.

This setting page shows the list of configurable notifications. Click any notification to open its quick-view and configure it.

Here you can:

  • select the notification channel(s) to be used (SMS, email, and/or push)
  • prioritize channels by drag and drop.
    • Note: only activated channels can be dragged.
    • Hint: drag and drop channels while selecting them, right of the toggle button and a red place holder will be visible.

The notification is sent to the first successful channel.

Example order of a notification

In the example above:

  • If the message could be successfully delivered by push, no SMS will be sent.
  • If the push was not successful (e.g. the user disabled push notifications), an SMS will be sent.
  • If the SMS was not successful (e.g. because there has been a connection error), nothing else will happen.

For a user to receive notifications the appropriate option needs to be activated in the ‘Show permission’ action, which is located in the User quick view under ‘Action → Show permission’:

Show permissions


This will open the following screen where you can add permissions and notifications:

Notification permissions


For example, the role Vehicle notifications will receive all the vehicle notifications, and this is true for the User, Rental, and Booking notifications. In the above example, this particular user will receive all the notifications related to any of the subjects.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that these permissions can be set for a particular branch, and would only give the permission/notification for that particular branch. If you have selected the root branch and set up notifications, it will apply to all notifications from all the branches. On the other side, it is possible to select a user in a specific branch, then go to the ‘Show permissions’ and once the notifications are set, they will be set for that specific branch.

Please note that it is possible for a user to not have any other permissions other than the notification, and it is also possible for a user to have any of the permissions without receiving notifications if they are also not active for that user.