

Under the “Vehicles”- button, the table shows the list of vehicles integrated in your system. The table can be expanded or reduced by selecting the three dots symbol on the right of the table header. It is possible to search and filter for certain columns.


You can download a CSV file of vehicles.

Note: It is only possible to download one page at a time. If you want to download more information, kindly reach out to with your request.

Bulk Update

If you need to update several vehicles that match certain criteria. More information about this subject can be found HERE!

Quick view

When you select a vehicle, the quick view will show up. Please read more about the quick view HERE!


Here you will see a table with all the tasks for the vehicles. Please remember that tasks are shown in this table only after they have been created in the vehicle quick view, in the Damages tab, or if it was added in bulk.

The tasks table shows the following information:

  • Title or Name of the task
  • State of the task (Completed or New)
  • Category (Maintenance, Cleaning, Relocation, Inspection, Low SoC, Vehicle Swap)
  • Description of the task
  • Vehicle ID
  • Created by
  • Created at

The table can be expanded or reduced by selecting the three dots symbol on the right of the table header.

When you click on a task, you will open its quick view. There you can mark a task as complete (check the box next to the name of the task) or delete it. You will also get an overview with more information like:

  • Damage ID
  • Title
  • Category
  • Assignee - here you will see a drop-down menu where you will be able to assign the task to a particular person.
  • Priority of the task
  • The vehicle that it has been assigned to
  • Description
  • Time stamps for created and updated.
  • History log - showing changes in the task and the name of the person that updated it.

In the Tasks section, there is also an option to add Tasks in Bulk!


In this section, you will see a table that shows all the damages that have been reported.

When you click on a damage, you will see the Damage Quick view. In there you can mark the damage as New, Approved, Under Repair, Repaired, or Ignored.

In the quick view, you will find overall information such as the ID of the damage, the part that was damaged, the Vehicle, a short description, who reported the damage, time stamps for created and updated, IDs for the previous rental, and the current rental as well as a picture of the damage that was reported.

You will also see a Task tab in the quick view of the damage in case you need to add a task that is related to the damage.