Vehicle Bulk Update

This is a useful tool for when an operator has to perform updates (change branch or change service state) to several vehicles that match certain criteria.

When clicking on the Bulk Update button, a window showing several filters will pop up. The list of available filters is the following:

  • Branch - Select a branch from the drop-down menu where you will see all the branches (regardless of their state). There is also the option to include the vehicles of the child branches or just the selected branch.
  • Service Status - Select one or several service statuses from the drop-down menu: Operational, Low SoC, Out of Order, Retired, Critical SoC
  • Labels - Select one or several labels from the drop-down menu: no-rentals, ended-by-admin, no-promotions, offline, no-rentals:48
  • Tags - Select one or several tags from the drop-down menu. You will see all the tags that you have assigned to your vehicles.
  • Rental States - Select one or several rental states from the drop-down menu: Available, Reservation, Driving, Parking, Delivered.
  • Power States: Select one or several power states from the drop-down menu: Unknown, Off, On.

When you select any filter, you will see at the bottom of the window the number of cars that match your search.

After selecting the filters needed, by clicking Next you will be given two options:

  • Update Branch - a list of all branches will show up. You also have the option to search by typing the name.
  • Change Service state - you will be able to choose if you want to set the vehicles to operational or out of order.

Please note that you can only perform one action at a time.

Once the update is done, if for some reason a vehicle failed to update, a window will pop up and will show the vehicle ID and the error code.