Business accounts

Business accounts must be enabled in the dashboard under 'Apps'.

Business accounts must be enabled in the dashboard under Apps.


There are 2 ideas behind the business accounts feature:

  1. The user who has both a personal and a business account can switch back and forth between them (in the goUrban white-label end-user app). With their business account, they can directly charge and invoice their company.
  2. A business account can have multiple members. It means that a particular business account can have several users as members.


A business account doesn’t require to be connected to a user (owner). However, it is necessary for it to work with the current implementation of the white-label end-user app. You can leverage that feature in a different way depending on your implementation.

A business account is in the logic of goUrban a seperate 'user' that is called Business Account. Users can be assigned to this Business Account and taking a ride on the balance or payment method of this Business Account.

View business accounts

In the dashboard, go to Users / Business accounts.

You can see a table view of business accounts. It is possible to search and filter for certain columns.

Create a business account

  • Click Create business account
  • As owner ID, reference the ID of a user who should be managing that account (you can find the user ID in the user quick-view).
  • Submit

The owner can manage the account: invite members, update the payment method, etc.

View business account details

Click any business account to open the business account quick-view.

You will find details and options very much like the ones you would find in the User quick-view.


View and add members to a business account.

Adding a user to a business account is instant:

  • Click Add member
  • Input user ID (see above)
  • Add member to submit

There is no limitation to the number of users that a certain business account can have as members. There is a default limitation that one user can only join one business account, however, this can be edited if a need exists.


When clicking this button a dialogue window will open and ask you if you are sure to delete this business account. 


An error might occur, if there is an active rental ongoing or another problem occurs. If this is the case, please reach out to, so we can help you best.


  • Reset payment method
    A payment method can only be added via the end-user app. There are two options to make business accounts visible in the white-label app
    1. Show business accounts
    2. Allow users to create a business account

      In order that an owner of a business account can add a payment method via the white-label app, the second setting “Allow users to create a business account” must be activated.
      Read more about the two functionalities under General.
  • Bill externally
    This functionality was created, because you might want to bill outside of the goUrban system. When clicked, no payment method will be required for the owner or a member of the business account to take a ride. Therefore, no invoices will be created, as this bypasses the balance settlement of the business account, but a trip summary will be issued, if activated.

    If Bill externally is activated, this can be reverted, by clicking Reset payment method under the same button again. If done, the owner as well as all members of the business account cannot do a rental until a payment method for the business account has been added.


The use case can look as the following:
A big company, we call it SEARCH wants to give every of its 500 employees a certain amount of free rides per month. Therefore, the operator and SEARCH come to the agreement, that €2.000,- will be covered every month. All employees of SEARCH will now have to be added to the business account and everytime an employee select the business account, the cost of the rental will be part of the €2.000,-.

For employees to be added, goUrban can help with a custom request or every employee shall create an account in the white-label app and will then be manually added by the operator via dashboard.

The operator now has to activate the setting “Show business accounts” in the app settings and all users that have been added to the business account can enjoy both, private and company trips, when selecting a vehicle.

If the amount of €2.000,- was exceeded, another bill needs to be issued from the operator towards SEARCH, or the following month, only a fewer amount will be “free” for the users. There is also the possibility, to combine vouchers and a fixed amount, to make the available amount per user more visible, or you do not agree on an amount upfront and only invoice the open amount at the end of the month based on kilometers/minutes driven.

  • Quick-view tabs
    You will find details and options very much like the ones you would find in the User quick-view. There are two main differences to the users quick-view:
    1. Business account information entered in Details
      The information entered under the details tab will be later displayed on the invoices, that will be sent to the business account holder. See an example invoice below.
    2. Adding Members (please see below how to add members via the dashboard)

Example  invoice of a business account that will be sent to the owner of a business account


View and add members to a business account. 
Adding a user to a business account is instant:

  • Click Add member
  • Input user ID (see above)
  • Submit

Billing of a business account

There are two possibilities for business accounts to be billed for.

  1. Add a payment method to the business account
    This works the same way as adding any other payment method to an end-user. Usually this is a credit card, but it can also be a PayPal account or ApplePay. For more details on which payment is available, please have a look under Payment gateways and payment methods.
  2. Bill externally
    This functionality is explained above with an example in detail. If there are still questions, please reach out to your customer success contact.

Trip summary of a business account

There is the possibility to receive a trip summary for every business account. The trip summaries can either be sent once a week (every Tuesday) or once a month (on every 2nd day of the month). By default the trip summaries are deactivated and can only be activated by goUrban. Please reach out to your customer success contact.

The information on the bottom of the trip summary, tax and the currency will be taken from the billable branch (Create a billable branch), while the business account email will be taken from the business account details. 

Example of a business account trip summary