Maintenance of a vehicle

User flow of maintain or service a vehicle


You can start your maintenance vehicles by either selecting the vehicle on a map and clicking Approach or scanning the vehicle directly with a QR code if you are standing near the vehicle. Please note when you use the Approach command and when you scan the vehicle, always check the license plate of the vehicle to make sure you are servicing the correct vehicle.



After you have clicked on Approach or Scan with QR code and scanned the vehicle you will be taken to the screen below. Besides seeing the vehicle info, the user can now

  • inspect reported damages,
  • change the vehicle service state,
  • run vehicle commands,
  • complete vehicle tasks,
  • add a note or
  • report an issue (parking issue or a vehicle damage).



Inspecting damages

This is a flow with many functionalities so it’s covered in a separate knowledge base

A short recap

Damages are separated into two tabs:

  1. Active - damages in states New , Approved , Under repair
  2. Closed - damages in states Repaired and Ignored

The service agent can change the damage state in the service app according to the usual flow:

Changing the vehicle service state

The user can change the service state of the vehicle the user is currently maintaining.
For doing so, click on the Service state button and select the state of the vehicle:



Running vehicle commands

The user can run any of the implemented vehicle commands. The list of available
commands is configured per vehicle category via the dashboard.

If you need to unlock the vehicle, start, stop it and etc click on the Command button and select the designated command:

Completing vehicle tasks

All tasks are sorted into two groups (Open and Completed) and among Active tasks,
user can distinguish tasks assigned to himself, and other open tasks on the vehicle.

Adding a note

This is the place to add a free form note about the vehicle. The use case for notes isn’t clearly defined so operators use this in different ways. Existing notes cannot be edited or deleted in the service app, but they can be read, and new ones can be created.


Reporting an issue (parking issue or a vehicle damage)

Reporting damages is covered in a separate damages article linked above, but here’s an example of reporting a parking issue. An image can be attached and an issue will be created in the dashboard.


As long as there's an active maintenance, the user can't browse the map or approach another vehicle. The maintenance needs to be completed first. 

Closing the app while having an active maintenance will return the user to the maintenance screen of the same vehicle after the app is started again.

Every maintenance done in the service app can be tracked in the service operations module of the dashboard.

Tip: Detailed analytics are available to show how many vehicles a certain worker approached, which changes the user made (tasks completed, batteries swapped, service state changes etc) in the dashboard


Maintenance average time per worker and for all workers of a selected branch is available. Suspicious activities such as unusually long maintenance time or vehicle movements during the maintenance are also highlighted in these analytics.