Vehicle Category - Commands

Choose which commands are relevant for that vehicle category. The commands will show in the dashboard whenever you access a vehicle.

You will see a list of commands that you can enable or disable at any time. The default view will show you the Dashboard commands. Please note that if a command is enabled on this screen, it will also be visible in the Service app and you will also be able to send the enabled commands via the dashboard to the vehicle by going to the vehicle tab, selecting a vehicle, and clicking the “Send command” button in the quick view.


In the commands tab, you can also configure the Approach and Leave commands that will be available in the Service App. Just click on the drop-down menu and select which kind of command (Dashboard, Approach or leave) you want to configure.

You can read more information on how the approach and leave commands are set up in the following link:

Approach/Leave commands


IMPORTANT: Not all commands are available to all kinds of vehicles. Please look at the overview in Vehicles and IoTs for every brand and type of vehicle that is integrated with the goUrban environment.

If you are still uncertain about the functionality or availability of command for your vehicle/IoT, please write your question and send it to