Contacting support

How to contact support

Contact support by sending an email to

Make sure to mention as many details as possible so that your ticket can be handled swiftly. Follow this link to read more about How to write a support ticket.

If an issue occurs with the vehicle or hardware, we will ask you to perform a test. Look at the following link to get more details about How to do a vehicle test.


When you write an email at, a ticket is created in HubSpot, our ticketing system.

You can access HubSpot and all tickets directly at the Customer Portal by creating an account. After you have signed up, you will receive an activation email. If you do not get an activation email, please reach out to support and ask for it, stating the email address you signed up with.

With this option, you will have access to all tickets within your organization (tickets created by other persons as well).


In case of an emergency, contact support at and add make sure to add "Urgent" in the subject line of your email.

Emergencies affect all or the majority of your fleet/operations and can be:

  • users cannot start/end rentals
  • applications (dashboard, apps...) don't open
  • major parts of the system don't work
    • payments
    • communication errors with all the vehicles
    • all end-users getting prompted with an error message
  • service does not react or is unusable