How to write a support ticket

To create a support ticket please send an email to following the instructions below


The Customer Support team from goUrban is always happy to help! In order to get a fast and accurate response we do need information about the issue! Below is a list of information that you should collect and share with us when submitting a ticket:

Issue: Description of the problem or the task that needs to be done

Impact of the issue: How many end users or vehicles are affected

Additional info: Business impact or other details that can assist but are not directly part of the issue, or the timeframe in which the task should hopefully be completed

Time frame: The exact time when the issue occurred or the time frame for which that information is requested (e.g. export)

Errors: Any error codes and images of them (if applicable)

Rule of thumb: The more info and the more precise it is, the better.

The information above will always be relevant and should be shared to ensure that we can assist you as soon as possible. However, there will be particular situations where more information is needed based on the particular issue you are experiencing.

Here is some further information that you should include based on your particular ticket:

Which product is affected: 
Is it a dashboard, end-user app, service app issue, or some combination of them? Is it one of our APIs that you need help with, or perhaps a third-party app?

App problem: If the service app or end-user app is causing issues, please share the app version that you have installed as well as the Android/iOS version of the device, so we are able to reproduce and review the issue. Please always make sure to have the latest version of our software to insure optimal efficiency. 

What is affected: If this is a rental/booking/user/vehicle/voucher issue, please make sure to always include the ID number of the rental/booking/user/vehicle/voucher that is affected.


There are other information that the Customer Support Agents might ask you for in particular scenarios, however, providing all the information mentioned above will make sure that we are fully equipped with the necessary information.


Here is an example of an incident:

Good Morning,

The following mopeds [vehicle ID 1] & [vehicle ID 2] are not at the location that the dashboard is showing. The vehicles are not close to the indicated point on the map, as the service employees could not find them in the surroundings.

This was reported by the service employee ID one hour ago. 

The mopeds are Super Soco with an INVERS- IoT. 

The last rental of the moped was on but the last movement of the moped was 5 days after that. 

Could you investigate this, and track the two mopeds down, so we are able to find them?

Do you need more information from my side to clarify this incident faster?

We already contacted the last users, however, without any results.

Any information that you could provide to help us find the mopeds is very much appreciated, thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Operators name


The example would be considered a P4 priority, as it affects potentially two vehicles out of the whole fleet, or one service agent if the issue ends up being there.


This is an important issue and goUrban will investigate to help as much and fast as we can, however, higher priority things might be tackled first. It would be worked on before any P5 priority task.