How to do a vehicle test?

Explanation of how to do a vehicle test and what it looks like.

In case you, as an operator, are experiencing any issues, it is likely that goUrban will ask you to test the vehicle and send back relevant information.

In order to do so, please follow the protocol and example below, so we can help you best.

Not following the protocol may result in the need for more information which can cost us more time. A proper test is key in resolving the issue fast and would reduce time wasting.

In specific, we would need several tests with at least 5-7 vehicles where the issue occurs:

Information required for goUrban:

  • Vehicle ID, Start time of rental, End time of rental, possible errors occurring during the test, and the time stamp of that.
  • GPS position physically when starting
  • GPS position virtually when starting
  • GPS position physically during the ride (e.g. after 10 minutes)
  • GPS position virtually during the ride (e.g. after 10 minutes) 
  • GPS position physically during the ride (e.g. after 25 minutes)
  • GPS position virtually during the ride (e.g. after 25 minutes) 
  • GPS position physically when ending the rental
  • GPS position virtually when ending the rental 

If you can provide extra screenshots and state the app version, as well as the OS of your phone (Android or iOS) this will always help. You can also create a video of the process of a failed rental. Any kind of information, that is provided additionally will help us understand your issue better.

Example of one test out of 5-7:

Test 1: Vehicle ID 12345  - Rental ID 78910

  • 22:38 GPS virtual: 51.20888138,4.44880819
  • 22:38 GPS physical: 51.20888138,4.44880819
  • 22:38 Ride started
  • 22:39 Parked successfully
  • 22:43 Parked successfully but app gave R176 Error
  • 22:43 GPS virtual: 51.20888138,4.44880819
  • 22:43 GPS physical: 51.20888138,4.44880819
  • 22:45 Switched out of park into drive
  • 22:48 Parked successfully but app gave R176 Error, moped(car, bike,...) physically parked but app think its in Drive
  • 22:48 GPS virtual: 51.20888138,4.44880819
  • 22:48 GPS physical: 51.20888138,4.44880819
  • 22:49 Switched out of park into drive
  • 22:54 Parked successfully
  • 22:58 Ride ended
  • 22:58 GPS virtual: 51.20888138,4.44880819
  • 22:58 GPS physical: 51.20888138,4.44880819
  • 22:59 Started from the dashboard- success
  • 22:59 Stopped from the dashboard- success