Branches - App

App image

The image you add here is displayed in the end-user app on the coordinates set for that particular branch in the case when a user zooms out in the map. Please note that this is only visible in the case of a free-floating branch.

App station marker image (Booking branch only)

Like the option above, this image is shown in the end-user app on the coordinates set for a booking branch.

App station marker image selected (Booking branch only)

The image is shown in the end-user app on the coordinates set for a booking branch when the branch is selected.

App station marker image active (Booking branch only)

The image is shown in the end-user app on the coordinates set for a booking branch when the branch is active.

Area colors

Dynamically change the color of areas in the app by clicking on the color. You can also enter a specific color code that fits your corporate identity:

  • Business area color
  • Discount area color (the area set in an active Geofence promotion for the branch)
  • Restricted area color
  • Prohibited area color

Note: If no color is selected, the default color will be displayed for the area. The default settings can be adjusted in the App settings under Theme.

Opacity levels of areas

Change the opacity of the area colors by selecting the percentage you wish the area to be opaque, from 0% to 100%:

  • Business area opacity
  • Discounted area opacity
  • Restricted area opacity
  • Prohibited area opacity

Note: If no opacity is adjusted, the default setting will be used for the area. The default settings can be adjusted in the App settings under Theme.