Geofence promotion

Geofence promotion is a voucher used to give incentives to end users to start, end, or start and end a rental in a particular area.

To create a geofence promotion please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings / Vouchers / Geofence promotion tab
  2. Click Create Geofence promotion
  3. Draw the discount area
  4. Enter the promotion name
  5. Select a type:
    • Discount area: where rental is ended
    • Discount area: where rental is started
    • Discount area: where rental is started/ended
  6. Enter a short description
  7. Choose a discount type to be applied to the rental:
    • Discount percentage on rental
    • Discount value on rental

Details tab


Here you can see the area defined and also are able to update the area if need be.


Internal ID number for the promotion.


Internal name for the promotion.


Short description about the promotion.

Geofence type

Here you can see which type the geofence promotion is.

Discount value

Value that will be deducted from the rental. (This field is only visible if you selected the Discount value on rental promotion.)


Discount percentage that should be applied. (This field is only visible if you choose a Discount percentage on rental promotion).

Start and end date

You can add start and end date/time of validity.

When the Geofence promotion is ready, you can click Activate in the promotion side-view. The option to Delete is also located here.


If you wish to limit the branches under a billable branch where the promotion should be valid. Please note that if this promotion should apply to all branches under a billable branch, it can be left blank.

Vehicle categories

You can limit the promotion to certain vehicle categories.

Show in user app

Turn on if you wish to show the promotional area in the app.

Redeem limit

How many times can this pass be purchased. After the redeem count reach this value no user will be able to purchase this pass anymore.

Redeem count

Number of redeems for this ride pass.

Recurrence tab

Go to the Recurrence tab if you want the Geofence promotion to be active only on certain days for a certain amount of time.

Say for example you wish to make sure that some vehicles are available in the morning at the train station. To incentivize users to bring them back to the station you set the following in the Recurrence tab:

  • switch on Monday to Friday
  • set start time to 18:00
  • we want the promotion to be active only until midnight, so we set 360 to duration in minutes


  • If you pick where rental is started/ended, the discount could be applied twice to the rental if the user starts their rental and ends it in the same area. You can choose to limit this, and apply it only once.
  • Discount area: where rental is started will not show an area but only a discount icon on top of each vehicle in that area in the end-user app
  • A geofence promotion will be applied automatically at the price calculation state of a rental if it is applicable.
  • Disabling any voucherable prevents the users from redeeming it. It does not deactivate the already redeemed promotion for the users.