

The table shows the list of bookings. The table can be expanded or reduced by selecting the “gear”-wheel symbol on the right of the table header. It is possible to search and filter for certain columns.

Booking quick-view

The booking quick-view shows all details about a booking.

You can:

  • mark the booking to a different state:
    • Booked
    • Approved
    • Delivered
    • Successful
    • Canceled
    • Aborted
    • Expired
    • Declined
  • Pick-up manually
    • When clicking this button, the booking starts immediately for the end-user.
  • Assign vehicle
    • If a dedicated vehicle is needed, enter the name of the vehicle in the pop-out or search in the dropdown.

There is one tab available:


  • Rental
    • Navigate directly to the rental quick-view (more about rentals HERE)
  • Vehicle category
  • Vehicle
  • Customer
  • Start time
    • Can be adapted even if the booking is in state SUCCESSFUL
  • End time
    • Can be adapted even if the booking is in state SUCCESSFUL
  • Helmet
  • Two helmets
  • Branch
  • Destination branch
  • Created on
  • Updated on


The calendar shows all bookings and their respective state in a monthly overview. A dropdown on the top right of the calendar allows you to filter for one or multiple booking states.

By clicking on one of the bookings, the quick-view opens.