Authorization on branches

The new branch structure and functionalities are being rolled out to goUrbans customers consecutive You can read about authorization and such settings here

Managing user access to a Branch

In order for operators to have access to a specific Branch, they need to have appropriate access rights.

💡 Roles are being inherited in a branch tree, which means if user has one role in a parent branch, that same user has the same role on all children branches of that parent branch. Users can’t have multiple roles in a branch or any of children branches.

To manage user access to Branch, operator needs to go into Branch select mode, mark the branch they’d like to modify access rights for, and then to click on Manage permissions button.

By doing that, role assignment modal will open where managing access right is being done further.

In the list below section to add more users, operator can already see which users already have access to the Branch and under which role. You might have users which have roles on different branches, and that would cause you not to be able to change role of that user in the current branch. That is indicated by role inheritance.

Operator can add users by typing in name or email of the user in the Add users... autocomplete dropdown. Multiple users can be selected at once. After that, appropriate role needs to be selected. After that, everything needs to be confirmed by clicking on Add button. After that, those users will be added to the list of users on the list below section used for adding users. No changes will be save until Done button is clicked.

Role of existing user can be easily changed using the dropdown list of roles next the the name of the user.

By using the bucket icon next to the name of the user can be used in order to remove a user from having access to a Branch.

All changes need to be confirmed by clicking on Done button.

Operator can switch from role assignment on one branch directly to another branch in case user has inherit role on that other branch by just clicking on a branch name.

💡 One user can have only one role per Branch tree. So, for example, if you have branch structure like this: goUrban → Austria → Vienna, and goUrban → Austria → Graz, then one user can have only one role in Austria but can’t have different role in Vienna or Graz. In order for a user to have different roles on Vienna and Graz branches, then that user can’t have any role on Austria branch, but rather needs to have one role in each of those branches.

Managing user access to a Business Unit

In order for operators to have access to a specific Business Unit, they need to have appropriate access rights.

To manage user access to Business Unit, operator needs to go into Business Unit edit mode in order to manage access to that Business Unit. After that, they need to click on Manage permissions button which would then open up modal to manage access to users.

In the list below section to add more users, operator can already see which users already have access to the Business Unit and under which role.

Operator can add users by typing in name or email of the user in the Add users... autocomplete dropdown. Multiple users can be selected at once. After that, appropriate role needs to be selected. After that, everything needs to be confirmed by clicking on Add button. After that, those users will be added to the list of users on the list below section used for adding users. No changes will be save until Done button is clicked.

Role of existing user can be easily changed using the dropdown list of roles next the the name of the user.

By using the bucket icon next to the name of the user can be used in order to remove a user from having access to Business Unit.

All changes need to be confirmed by clicking on Done button.

💡 One user can only have one role per Business Unit.