Vehicle Category - App

These images are mandatory to upload. If there are images missing, this will lead to an error in the end-user app.

App vehicle image

Image of the vehicle that will be shown in the app.

Vehicle marker color

When zooming out, vehicles are represented as dots in the end-user app. Pick a color. By default, the color set in Theme will be displayed.

App marker images

Icon of the vehicle in the end-user app.

App marker size

Edit the size of the app markers in the end-user app. Enter a number between 0 and 2. If it is a comma number, please separate it with a dot.

Enable reservation

Display the Reserve button in the user application, allowing users to reserve the vehicles. This button will show when selecting a vehicle on the map and before starting a rental.

Enable locate

Display the Locate button in the user application when a vehicle is reserved. When pressed it would make the vehicle turn on the lights and release a beeping noise so it is more easily located. This is very useful if the vehicle is in the same location as several similar vehicles.

Note: this functionality is not supported by every vehicle. See Vehicles and IoTs for further information.

Display tail box button

Display a button that would allow the user to open the vehicle tail box during a rental.

Skip mandatory QR code scan for serviceApp

For each vehicle category, you can decide if you want to remove the QR code scan when using the serviceApp.

You also should update the label of the button in the service app, as it states “Scan” by default. You can create an APP area translation key ServiceApp.Map.scan and set else, for example, “View details”.

Remaining kilometers at X % SoC

Enter a number for the respective percentage of SoC that shall be displayed in the rental modal of the white-label end-user app. Between the different % will be linear interpolated.