Starting and ending a rental

How to start a ride

If you want to see your location on the map click on Locate button in the app. In this way, the map will zoom in and you will get a better overview of you and nearby vehicles

In order to start a ride after downloading the white label app, click on a vehicle on the map that you wish to use. If you are far away from the vehicle, once you select it on the map, you can see the shortest route to it on the map:

After selecting a vehicle, the following screen will be shown:


In order to start a ride first click on Reservation button (this can be configured and the ride can be started without reservation, more info on this is available here)

After you have clicked on the reservation button you will get the following screen where you can see how much time you have left when you reserve the vehicle.

If you want to prolong the time of the reservation you can do so by clicking on the + symbol


You will get the following options (Extend reservation time is configurable in the dashboard)


If you want to cancel the reservation or the ride before starting, simply click on the X symbol next to the reservation time


You will be presented with the following screen asking if you wish to cancel the reservation:


By selecting Yes your ride will be canceled and you will be redirected back to this screen


Please note that you are not able to start a ride directly, you always need to click on Reservation first.

If you want to enable users to start a ride without reserving the vehicle, this is configurable in the Dashboard and instruction is available here

Starting a rental

After the Reservation has been selected you will be offered the following screen:


Proceed with starting the rental by clicking on the Rent button.

In case there are too many vehicles parked nearby and you are not sure which one is yours click on the Locate button ( bell icon next to the Rent button) and the vehicle will sound itself with a beeping sound (this is in most cases, it is also possible that lights will turn on depending on the type of the vehicle)


Once the ride has been started you should see the following screen where you can see how much time has passed since you started the rental and how much credit you’ve spent so far

In case you want to temporarily park a vehicle (for example you need to go to a store, or coffee shop) click on the P button next to the Stop Rental button.

Later when you wish to proceed with your drive click on the D button.


Ending a rental

When you want to end the ride click on Stop Rental and you will be presented with the following screen:


Here you can see the distance you have traveled, the time of the rental, and the total cost in local currency.

If you wish to rate your ride click on the stars belove the ride info.


If you leave a rating you will get the option to review the app further and share your feedback and rental experience.