Rental reservation

Available for free-floating branches.

Note: You will see the default values displayed if no rental reservation setting has been created.

When a user reserves a vehicle, there is a limit on how long each reservation is, and how many times the user can reserve vehicles consecutively without making a rental.

There are cases where a user will keep trying to reserve a vehicle over and over, or keep making really short rentals so it is flagged as a no-movement rental, so he is not charged.

By configuring the no-reservation settings, you can avoid these cases:

  • Reservation time in minutes: how long is each reservation?
  • Maximum reservation time: How much the user can reserve without making any rental. If the reservation time is 15 minutes, and the maximum reservation time is 30 minutes, after the user makes 2 reservations without making a rental he will reach the maximum allowed reservation time, and he will be blocked from reserving again.
  • Buffer time: How long the user needs to wait to be able to reserve again after being blocked?
  • Block rental for the same vehicle in minutes: how many minutes does the user need to wait to rent the same vehicle after a rental?



Configure the no movement rule

  • Click the Add rental reservation button
  • Set the Reservation time, maximum reservation time, Buffer time, and Block rental for same vehicle time.
  • Submit the form

You can update it or remove it by clicking the Remove rental reservation rule button.



Extending reservations

You are also able to set up a way for your clients to extend their vehicle reservations. To do so you will need to define this in the pricing for a particular vehicle category and you can read more about this in the Vehicle Category Pricing article.