IoT modules

List all modules that are used for communications between the vehicles and the goUrban solution.


Under the “IoT modules”- tab, the table shows the list of modules integrated in your system. The table can be expanded or reduced by selecting the “gear”-wheel symbol on the right of the table header. It is possible to search and filter for certain columns.

How to un/link a module to a vehicle

 First, go to the Vehicles quick-view.

Link a module

  1. Open the IoT module tab
  2. Click the Link IoT module button
  3. Input the IoT module external number
  4. Submit the form

Unlink a module

  1. Open the IoT module tab
  2. Click the Unlink IoT module button
  3. Confirm

How to retire a module

Whenever an IoT is broken or lost the module should be retired.

  1. Open the module quick-view by clicking on it
  2. Click the Retire IoT module button.
  3. Give a reason and add a note
  4. Submit form

The module will be unassigned and you can find the details about the retirement in the Retirement info tab of the module quick-view.

Modules quick-view


Find general information about the module.


Shows the ID number of the module.


It is possible to enter any name for the module (e.g.: goConnect 100 - batch 03/2030).


The type of the module cannot be changed and shows where the module is connected. This can either be at goUrban or at a third-party hardware provider.


  • DEVICE_CLOUD: stands for a connection at goUrban
  • NIU_V2: stands for a connection at NIU
  • SEGWAY_V1: stands for a connection at Segway
  • etc.

External ID

The external ID reflects most of the time the IMEI number of the IoT, but this can also be a unique identifier, which has a different standard. This number is usually provided by the hardware provider and/or written on the IoT and cannot be changed.


If existing and provided to goUrban the ICCID number is also shown here and cannot be changed.


The logs of an IoT will show you the events of an IoT device sorted with a time stamp and clustered by date.

Event types for an IoT are:

  • Assigned
  • Unassiged
  • Retired

Retirement info

The retirement info of an IoT shows you when an IoT was retired with a time stamp and clustered by date.