
The radar functionality can be used to notify the user if a vehicle becomes available in their area.

To create a Radar, the user decides on a position, a radius, and a start time from when they want to be notified.

The backend checks periodically if a vehicle is available for a radar, if a vehicle is found, the user is notified.


The operator can define general information, like

  • duration how long a radar is active
  • maximum radius of a radar

The frequency of how often to check for available vehicles and when a radar expires can be adjusted.


The message which is sent to the user can be configured under:

  • Notification channels
  • Translation keys : Radar.info, Radar.radius,Radar.activeRadar or any other translation key with the suffix Radar.


The radar functionality can not be combined in any way with the booking feature. This is a known limitation of goUrban.

Kindly reach out to your account manager for further details and activation.

Screenshots / Figures

Creating / Setting a radar with the App


Setting the radius and start time when setting the radar
Date/Time picker when setting the radar
Enabled radar for address “Wehrgasse 3, 1050 Wien, Österreich”
Editing a radar after it has been set with the possibility to cancel the radar.
Push notification on Android when the radar is triggered. That means a vehicle is available at the given location.