QR - code generation

To generate QR codes for your vehicles, you can use any online tool you can find on Google.

We want to introduce you to one possible tool, which is open software.

Disclaimer: goUrban does not get any referral from this tool and does not take any liability or responsibility when using this website, also when the process described below changes or will come with a cost in the future.



How to

Normal QR codes

  1. Go to the website
  2. Insert the QR codes
  3. Separate the QR codes with ENTER
  4. Check the settings

    The most important ones are (also see example image below):

    • Error correction level → goUrban recommends Medium-Low according to our
    • Add filename to image → tick
    • Font size → choose what looks best for you
    • Foreground Color → goUrban recommends not to change the default color (black)
  5. Check the preview as shown in the example image
  6. Click on Generate X codes
  7. Download the .zip file to your computer
  8. Print the QR codes
  9. Place them on your vehicle

Deep link QR codes

  1. Create the deep links for your environment in an Excel sheet (find out more information on App deep links)
  2. Have the deep links and the QR codes separated by a comma
  3. Go to the website
  4. Insert the deep links and QR codes as shown in the example below
  5. Separate the lines with ENTER (if not done from pasting out of the Excel-sheet)
  6. Check the settings

    The most important ones are (also see example image below):

    • Error correction level → goUrban recommends Medium-Low according to our findings
    • Treat as CSV → tick
    • Add filename to image → tick
    • Font size → you can choose the one that fits your branding best
    • Foreground Color → goUrban recommends not to change the default color (black)
  7. Check the preview as shown in the example image
  8. Click on Generate X codes
  9. Download the .zip file to your computer
  10. Print the QR codes
  11. Place them on your vehicle


This page allows you to generate up to 100 QR codes (more when you purchase credits to register your email), and gives you the option of downloading all of them in a .zip file.

An example image of creating QR codes with deep links for vehicles