App deep links

You can use deep links to direct your users on a specific screen of the app.

How to use deep links? 

Deep links have this structure:

Where TENANT is your name (same as in the dashboard address:

After TENANT, you can add several extensions to redirect within the goUrban white-label app.

Which deep links are available? 

QR codes on vehicles

/vehicle/{CODE}→ it redirects the user to the App/Play store if the user does not have the white-label app installed. If the user has the app installed, it opens the app. 

Note: It does not matter in which state (operational, out of order, low SoC, etc.) a vehicle is, the behavior will always be the same.

Important: It does not start the rental on the vehicle if the user scans the code outside of the app, it only opens the white-label app.


/wallet?success → Navigates to the Wallet and re-fetches the balance and shows a success alert

/wallet?pending → Navigates to the Wallet and re-fetches the balance and shows a pending payment alert


 /packages → Navigates to the packages page directly, where the end user can purchase a package

Example push notification:






/promotions → Promotions

/promotions?code={code} → Redeem provided voucher code


/map?vehicleId={vehicleId} → Navigates to the map and opens the sharing modal for the provided vehicle id

/vehicle/{vehicleCode} → Navigates to the map and opens the sharing modal for the provided vehicle id

/map?bookingBranchId={branchId} → Opens a booking modal for passed branch ID

/map?bookingBranchId=0 → Switches from free floating to booking


/profile → Navigates to the Profile screen

/login → navigates to the LoginOptions screen






/login → Navigates to the login screen


/tutorial → Navigates to the tutorial screen


/joinBusiness?code={businessCode} → Navigates to the BusinessCode screen with preset for joining the business with passed code

/leaveBusiness?code={businessCode}&openBusiness=true → Navigates to the Payment screen and leaves the business with passed code. If you want to open the modal with business data, pass openBusiness=true

/updateBusinessRequest?groupId={groupId}&requestId={requestId}&state={requestState} → Navigate to the Payment screen and update business with passed data


/addPayment?success={true/false} → Endpoint for the redirection from payment providers after payment method is added

/buyPackage?success={true/false} → Endpoint for the redirection after packages are bought


/referral → Endpoint to the redirection for the referral landing page