
Use OneSignal to send updates to your users.

Contact Customer Success for details and see the FAQs below.

Go to: and sign-up / log in.

Detailed information on how to use OneSignal can be found here:

Note: Please be aware, that not all functionalities apply, as there are several SDKs and APIs available from OneSignal. Also please be aware that labels in our Dashboard system are not translated as oneSignal tags, as they are different things.


How to set up OneSignal as an operator and integrate it into the goUrban dashboard?

  1. As an operator, you have to create an account at OneSignal.
  2. Go to “Settings” → “Keys & IDs”
  3. The OneSignal "App ID" and "API key" have then to be added to the goUrban- dashboard (your Customer Success team will help you).
  4. Open your dashboard and navigate to “Apps”→ OneSignal -> click "Activate"→ click “Settings”→quick view panel → add the ID and key there.
  5. Activate the toggle button "Paid plan"
  6. Go to the OneSignal page and please add as an “Administrator” (Settings→ Administrators→ Add Another)

Find more information for the OneSignal setup for the App and PlayStore below:

App & PlayStore OneSignal Setup

iOS Certificate Generation and Activation

  1. Go to 
  2. Insert your apple credentials (the same used in apple connect). If enabled, insert the 2FA code you will receive in your device.
  3. Select correct Team out of the list (e.g. see picture below goUrban e-Mobility GmbH).
  4. Select your app in the dropdown.
  5. If all steps were done correctly, you will have created the certificate! Make sure to download the p12 certificate, and copied the password, as this is the only time where you can do so.

Screenshot from the OneSignal Provisionator


To add the certificates to the oneSignal dashboard:

  1. Login to OneSignal:
  2. Select your team.
  3. In the top tabs, go to Settings / Native App Platforms / Apple iOS
  4. Upload the .p12 Certificate that has been downloaded and paste password.
  5. After clicking next, select React-native out of the options.
  6. Done

Android Activation - OneSignal

This will be done by the goUrban tech team - reach out to your Customer Success Team!


What is the difference between push, in-app, etc. messages?


  • Push notifications are messages that the user sees without opening the app and in-app notifications are messages that the user gets inside the application after he or she has opened it
  • Push notifications lead the user to the application and in-app notifications guide the user inside the app
  • You can receive a push notification at any time, but in-app will only work when the application is open
  • Push notifications can be always turned off by a user, but in-app notifications can never be disabled by a user

Use cases:

Push notifications:

  • Display some offers/updates for a user about some completed action (“Your rental has ended, the total price is €XX.XX”)
  • Inform about a promotion

In-app notifications:

  • Inform about new features
  • Display tips or text in the app for the user
  • Ask users to enable some features: notifications, location…
  • Ask users for feedback

How does the initial user creation / OneSignal- subscription process w


In the registration flow of the user, our solutions invoke the OneSignal API to create PUSH subscriptions for both email and push.


There is an endpoint for recording new OneSignal sessions on the dashboard login. There we get or create a new OneSignal subscription. If it is the first login of that user, we create the PUSH subscription where we define the platform as DASHBOARD.

For both APP and dashboard, when we are creating OneSignal PUSH subscription, we also check if we have the email address of a user and if the user has chosen to receive the newsletter. If both conditions are fulfilled, we create the EMAIL subscription as well.


How does the user tag update process work?

OneSignal tags are updated after each user action changes some state that needs to be synced with OneSignal.


  • A user buys a subscription. We update all tags related to subscriptions.
  • A user ends a rental. We update the information about the last rental, total number of rentals, etc.


Why are users in multiple segments?

Because they are matched by the filter defined in multiple segments.

Example: One segment is matching users with more than 5 rentals while another segment is matching users with the last rental in the last few days. If a user had the 10th rental today, both segments will match.


Why are users added with email and phone twice?

Users are added twice as OneSignal differentiates strictly between PUSH and EMAIL subscriptions and therefore multiple subscriptions for multiple channels are required.

The details on when this is happening are described above in the subscription registration process.

For further details have a look here:

Which tags can be added?

Default columns:


Can custom tags be requested/created?

If the paid plan is enabled, all the tags from the list below are automatically available. Please note that the tags are updated on user actions, so they will not be immediately available as soon as the paid plan is enabled in the dashboard.

Adding a tag that is not on the list is a Feature Request which needs to be coordinated with your Account Manager or with the support team via!

Custom OneSignal Tags:

  • email_verified
  • phone_verified
  • payment_method_added
  • receive_newsletter
  • address_set
  • license_verified
  • manually_verified
  • driving_licence_category
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • birthdate
  • rental_count
  • last_rental_at
  • rental_branch
  • last_rental_additions
  • first_subscription_expires_at
  • last_subscription_expires_at
  • active_subscriptions
  • used_subscriptions


How can the external-user-id be used?

The external user ID is the user ID which is displayed in the goUrban dashboard as “User ID” in User quick-view.


Which version of OneSignal API are we using?

Backend: In our backend solution we use the OneSignal API v7.0. Meaning, the latest version.

Mobile: In our mobile application we are using react-native-onesignal version 4.0.4


Difference between SDK and API?

SDK is used on Android/iOS, and API is used from the backend.


How does the update process work when a user uses a different device from the same user, and vice-versa?

New Device same user:

Regarding creating subscriptions: the goUrban environment records a new OneSignal session on App/Dashboard on any login and if the device changes, a new subscription with the new device is created.

Regarding updating user data: All OneSignal subscriptions for the user are updated.

New User same device:

If a different user uses a device that is already registered in the goUrban system, we find the existing subscription of the device and update the user of the existing OneSignal subscription.


What OneSignal services can be used? (Campaigns, Email, SMS, Push, etc.)?

Only PUSH, EMAIL, and SMS can be used, as this is for what goUrban creates subscriptions.


Why are the users in the segments so much lower than expected?

Segments do not include unsubscribed users. Thus, if you download a CSV of all users from the dashboard, it is likely that there are tags applied to users that have since unsubscribed.

The difference is usually about 0,5%.


Are there any limitations?

All relevant limitations to the OneSignal service depend on the chosen package:

If the free plan is chosen, tags will not be updated.

If you decide to switch to a paid plan after a few months, there is a way to sync data between the goUrban backend and OneSignal. Kindly reach out to


Can the push notification UI be changed?

The content of notifications can be configured from the OneSignal Dashboard or using the API directly.

Detailed info on how to configure PN can be found here:

API documentation:


What happens if you are on a free plan and want custom tags?

Only if a OneSignal paid plan is configured the goUrban backend will create/update tags.


What happens if you are on a free plan and have more than 10 tags?

Only if a OneSignal paid plan is configured the goUrban backend will create/update tags.


Can you localize In-app messages?

Unfortunately, OneSignal doesn't yet allow localization for In-app messages. Currently, you can set up different in-app messages for different languages and target a Segment based on the language our SDK automatically detects.


How can I send PUSH notifications to users?

You can send PUSH notifications directly per user via the goUrban dashboard in the User quick-view. To send PUSH notifications to more users, create a segment in the OneSignal dashboard and then send it out.


How exactly do we count users and send them to OneSignal?

To do this we initialize 'rental_count' with "". To check for this you would have to run the following:

What if I want to change from P12 to a P8 certificate in OneSignal?

There is nothing to be done on the goUrban side,please reach out to the OneSignal support via the email