Map description and features

The map shows the vehicles and their status on a map.


On the left side are all enabled filters displayed. You can manage filters by clicking on the gear icon located on the map in the bottom right corner and then Customize filters.

Just toggle the button to display the filter in the side panel. To read more in-depth information regarding some of these filters, please go to vehicle availability and Service States

The possible filter options are:

  • Vehicle Availability
    • Available
    • Unavailable
  • Service state: shows in what service state a vehicle is. The possible service states are:
    • Operational
      • Functional
      • Inspect
      • Relocate
    • Out of order
      • Collect
      • Service (on-site)
      • Service (external)
      • Replace
      • Impounded
      • Lost
      • Retired
      • Ready for Deployment
      • Other/Unknown
  • Battery Level
    • Sufficient
    • Low
    • Critical
  • IoT State
    • Online
    • Offline
  • Rental state:
    • Available
    • Driving
    • Parking
    • Delivered (for bookings)
  • Power state:
    • On
    • Off
    • Unknown

NOTE: The sum of Availability, Service state, Battery Level, IoT State, Rental State, and Power State is the same and reflects the sum of the total vehicles in your environment

  • State of charge
    • The percentage range of the vehicle SoC with a two-side slider adaptable from 0% to 100%
  • IoT Voltage
    • two side slider adaptable from 0% to 100%
  • Include tags 
  • Exclude tags
  • Include labels
  • Exclude labels
  • Include vehicle categories
    • All vehicle categories you have created in your environment
  • Exclude vehicle categories
  • Last ended rental
    • Time elapsed since the last time the vehicle was rented from 0 hours up to 100 hours in 1 hour increments
  • Last time operational
    • How long has your vehicle been not operational (including Out of Order, Low SoC, and Critical SoC state) from 0 hours up to 100 hours in 1-hour increments
  • Out of order since
    • How long has your vehicle been out of order from 0 hours up to 100 hours in 1-hour increments
  • Last seen online
    • The last time the system could connect to the vehicle from 0 hours up to 100 hours in 0.5-hour increments
  • Last movement
    • Last time since vehicle movement from 0 minutes up to 1440 hours in 5 minutes increments
  • Tasks 

Search bar

Located top right on the map, the search bar will allow you to dynamically search for the following vehicle properties: license plate, address, code, ID. Simply click on the search result and the vehicle will be displayed on the map and the vehicle quick-view of this vehicle will open.


On the right bottom side of the map, you have several options:

  • Advanced
    • Create a route: You can create a route for up to 10 vehicles (limitation by Google Maps). When selected, you can click on the vehicles in a consecutive flow to create a custom route. As soon as one vehicle is selected, a new option will show 'Export route to Google Maps'. As soon as you are done, click this button and a new tab will open in your browser, which displays the Google Maps route you just created.
    • Customize filters: see above
    • Enable / Disable clustering: To have a clear overview of the map, enable clustering. The algorithm of clustering is a functionality of Mapbox and therefore, not a goUrban developed feature.
    • Hide / Show filters: It is possible to hide the filters and have a bigger map view.
  • SAT: switch to satellite view
  • Manual zoom: simply click on the plus or minus to zoom in or out of the map. It is also possible to zoom with the wheel of your mouse or a multi-touch pad function.


Click the button to view virtual stations. Stations are a powerful tool to monitor the number of vehicles throughout different neighborhoods of a city or even small locations like a train station.


Do a right mouse click and hold, to turn the map 360° or even in 3D, similar to Google Maps. You can reset the rotation by clicking on any other tab on the left side and back to the Maps tab.

Vehicle pins

To read more about the vehicle pins and see all available ones please visit the Vehicle pins article.