Managing branches

The new branch structure and functionalities are being rolled out to goUrbans customers consecutive

In order to modify branches, operator needs to use the branch, so called, mind-map.

💡 Category branches are displayed as open folder icon, while location branches have the location pin icon.

Steps to open mind-map:

  • Click on currently selected branch in main menu and branch selector modal will open
  • Click on Edit branches button in top right corner
  • Branches mind-map will open

Once mind-map is open, operator can create another branch from there, edit a branch or just walk through the map of branches.

Currently selected branch is marked in black color. Operator can zoom in/out the mind-map, or to move the mind-map in order to see all branches.

Operator can search through branches using the top search functionality, which starts searching through branches once at least 3 characters from branch name are input. Once operator finds the branch they wanted, they need to click on it or just use up/down arrows on keyboard followed by Enter/Return buttons on keyboard in order to focus on that branch.

Branch search

Once one branch is selected in mind-map, small modal window would appear in bottom right corner showing all the basic information regarding selected branch, with basic options to [Add new branch] as child branch of selected branch (of course, in case selected branch is Category one), or [Edit branch].

Branch modal window

Every branch card contains few basic information regarding branch, which includes: branch type icon (category or location), name of the branch, branch state, and icon to create sub-branch in case of category branch.

Branch card

Once operator is done with the mind-map or branch management, in order to get back to branch selection, they would need to click on X button on top right corner, or to exit branch selector and mind-map in general, they need to click on Done button.