goUrban Services Overview

This document contains an overview of the offered services of goUrban. For more detailed information and configuration help, please use other parts of the Knowledge Base.

The purpose of this page is to summarize the most important services and the base functionalities.


goUrban is an established end-to-end vehicle sharing software as a service (SaaS) solution, having been in development since 2017. It is a market-proven platform, adept at supporting fleet operators with a wide range of scales, from fleets of 100 vehicles to those with as many as 20,000 vehicles. The platform excels in offering remote connectivity to a variety of vehicles, including scooters, bikes, mopeds, and cars.


  1. goUrban Dashboard: This web-based tool is tailored for operators to efficiently manage operations and conduct marketing activities. It streamlines fleet management and provides tools for effective promotion and user engagement.

  2. goUrban Service App: Accessible on Android and iOS, this app allows operators to manage their vehicle fleet remotely, enhancing flexibility and responsiveness in operations.

  3. White-Label End-User Mobile App: Customizable for Android and iOS, this application provides end-users with an engaging interface to access the operator’s services.

  4. White-Label End-User Web App: Set to launch in Q1 2024, this web-based application will enable end-users to conveniently pre-book vehicles from their desktop computers.

APIs and Integrations

  • User API: For building external front-end experiences.
  • Operations API: To access and manage operational data, including vehicle information.
  • MaaS API: Supports integration with third-party Mobility-as-a-Service providers.
  • Devices API: Enables utilization of the IoT layer for data management and command execution.

Compliance with Open Standards

goUrban supports the Mobility Data Specification (MDS), General Bikeshare Feed Specification (GBFS), and Transport Operator Mobility-as-a-Service Provider (TOMP) standards.

Third-Party Service Integration

The platform integrates seamlessly with services like Twilio, OneSignal, Onfido, Veriff, ZenDesk, Freshdesk, and others, enhancing its capabilities and service range.

Core Features

The goUrban solution offers a set of key features that are central to its vehicle-sharing software. These features are designed to streamline fleet management and improve user experiences for both fleet operators and end-users. In this section, we will explore these essential features, focusing on how they specifically support vehicle bookings, rentals, and overall fleet operations.



The vehicles feature on the Dashboard is designed to provide fleet managers with comprehensive control and oversight of their entire vehicle fleet.

  • Listing and Viewing Vehicles: Managers can view a complete list of vehicles, displayed in a table format for detailed views or on a map for geographical insights.

  • Filtering Vehicle List: The system allows for filtering the vehicle list based on various criteria, enabling managers to quickly find specific vehicles or groups.

  • Bulk Vehicle Updates: Update multiple vehicles at once, particularly useful for changing branches or service states in larger fleets.

  • Vehicle Details Management: View and update detailed information for each vehicle, including name, code, inspection date, branch, and category.

  • Service State Updates: Modify and track the service state of each vehicle, such as marking them as operational or out of order.

  • Tagging Vehicles: Apply tags to vehicles for easier categorization and identification.

  • Vehicle Commands: Send commands directly to vehicles, like start or stop, enhancing remote control capabilities.

  • IoT Connectivity: View and manage IoT connections related to each vehicle, ensuring seamless integration and functionality.

  • Vehicle History: Access a vehicle's historical data including past positions, service states, and other relevant information.

  • Audit and Management Activities: Track all management activities related to each vehicle for audit and oversight purposes.

  • RFID Cards Management: Link and unlink RFID cards, such as charging cards, to vehicles.

  • Vehicle-Related Components Overview: View components related to each vehicle including rentals, bookings, damages, notes, and files.

  • Task Management: Assign and track tasks related to specific vehicles.

Service App

The Service App provides field personnel with tools to manage and interact with the vehicle fleet on-the-go.

  • Vehicle Listing and Map View: Users can list and locate vehicles, viewing them on a map for ease of navigation.

  • Filtering and Searching Vehicles: The app allows for filtering and searching for specific vehicles within the fleet.

  • Vehicle Detail Viewing: Access detailed information of each vehicle, mirroring the insights available on the Dashboard.

  • Remote Vehicle Commands: Send direct commands to vehicles from the field.

  • Vehicle Component Management: View and manage components related to the vehicle such as damages and notes.

  • Task Management: Access and manage tasks associated with specific vehicles.


The users feature on our platform functions as a full-fledged CRM system, designed to track and manage user activities comprehensively. This feature is integral to delivering enhanced customer support experiences, as it allows for a detailed understanding of user interactions within the service. By maintaining extensive records of user activities, preferences, and histories, fleet operators can provide more personalized and effective support. This feature is pivotal in fostering strong customer relationships and ensuring optimal service satisfaction.

Key Functionalities of the Users Feature on the Dashboard

  • Listing and Filtering Users: Fleet managers can view a complete list of users and apply filters to sort them based on various criteria, aiding in quick identification and management of user accounts.

  • Creating New Users: The system allows for the creation of new user profiles, enabling managers to onboard new customers efficiently.

  • Viewing and Updating User Details: Access detailed information about each user, including basic personal details, user state, and driving license status. Managers can also update these details as necessary.

  • Managing User States and Verifications: Track and modify user states (e.g., active, blocked) and manage driving license verifications, ensuring compliance with regulations.

  • Tagging and Role Assignments: Apply tags for categorization and manage roles and permissions for differentiated user experiences.

  • Password Management: Send reset password emails to users directly from the dashboard for account security and user convenience.

  • User-Related Components Overview: View components related to each user, including their rental history, bookings, notes, and issues they have encountered.

  • Financial Management: Keep track of user balances, vouchers, payment methods, and invoices, ensuring a comprehensive financial overview.

  • Business Account Management: Manage and view details of business accounts associated with users.

  • Communications and Files: Access messages exchanged with users and manage any files related to their accounts.

  • Driving License Verification: For platforms integrated with Veriff or Onfido, manage and view submissions related to driving license verification.


The rentals feature on the goUrban Dashboard is a critical tool for fleet managers, enabling them to effectively manage and monitor vehicle rentals. This feature provides comprehensive oversight of each rental instance, from initiation to completion.

Key Functionalities of the Rentals Feature on the Dashboard

  • Listing Rentals: Fleet managers can view an organized list of all current and past rentals. This list offers a bird's-eye view of the rental activity, allowing for quick access and overview.

  • Filtering Rentals: The dashboard facilitates the filtering of rental listings based on various criteria like date, vehicle type, user, or duration. This helps in easily locating specific rentals or analyzing trends.

  • Viewing Rental Details: Managers can access detailed information for each rental, including user details, rental duration, and vehicle specifics. This is essential for tracking and managing individual rental instances.

  • Inspecting Rental-Related Components: The feature provides a deep dive into various components associated with each rental:

    • Route: View the specific routes taken during each rental, giving insight into usage patterns and vehicle location.
    • Pricing Breakdown: Detailed breakdown of pricing for each rental, including any applicable fees or discounts.
    • Events: Access a log of events related to the rental, such as start/end times, pauses in usage, or any special occurrences during the rental period.
    • Notes: Ability to view or add notes related to each rental, useful for recording specific details or observations.
    • Issues: Track and manage any issues that arise during a rental, such as vehicle damages or user complaints.
  • Rating: Understand the customer satisfaction by analysing the various ratings of rentals to improve the experience.
  • End Rental Photo: Check parking regulation compliance by verifying the required photo on returning a vehicle. 


The bookings feature on our platform enables fleet managers to oversee and manage pre-booked vehicles. This function allows vehicles to be reserved in advance for specific periods, catering to scenarios in rent-a-car services and station-based carsharing. It provides fleet managers with the tools needed to ensure efficient allocation and utilization of the fleet.

Key Functionalities of the Bookings Feature on the Dashboard

  • Listing Bookings: Managers can view all pre-booked vehicles, displayed in both table and calendar formats. This provides a clear view of vehicles reserved for specific time slots.

  • Filtering Bookings: The dashboard includes filtering options to sort bookings by various parameters like date, vehicle type, or duration, aiding in managing pre-booked periods.

  • Creating Bookings: Fleet managers can schedule vehicles for pre-booking, setting the exact period during which a vehicle will be reserved for a specific user.

  • Viewing Booking Details: This option allows managers to see comprehensive details of each booking, including the vehicle assigned, the duration of the booking, and user information.

  • Updating Booking Details: The feature enables changes to be made to existing bookings, such as adjusting the reserved time period or changing the assigned vehicle.

  • Assigning Vehicles: Specific vehicles can be assigned to each booking, ensuring that they are reserved and available for users during the pre-booked period.


The invoices feature within the goUrban platform is a comprehensive billing module that includes a white-label invoicing system. This feature allows for the automatic generation of invoices, streamlining the billing process for both fleet operators and end-users. The invoices generated are customizable to align with the branding of the service provider. Additionally, the platform supports regular data exports, enabling seamless integration of invoice details, including payment states, into external bookkeeping systems. This integration facilitates an easy and efficient accounting experience, essential for managing financial aspects of vehicle-sharing services.


  • Listing Invoices: Fleet managers can view a complete list of all invoices generated by the platform, providing a comprehensive overview of billing transactions.

  • Filtering Invoices: The system offers robust filtering options, enabling managers to sort and view invoices based on various criteria such as date, amount, or user.

  • Viewing Invoice Details: Managers can access detailed information on each invoice, including items billed, total amount, user details, and payment status.

  • Refunding Invoices: The feature allows for the full or partial refunding of invoices, offering flexibility in handling billing adjustments and customer refunds.

  • Sending Invoices via Email: Invoices can be directly emailed to users from the dashboard, ensuring timely and efficient delivery of billing information.

Multi-Country and Multi-Currency Support

The goUrban platform is designed to cater to the diverse needs of global operations, supporting multiple countries and currencies seamlessly. This functionality is a critical aspect of the platform, enabling fleet operators to manage their services across different geographical locations effectively.

  • Location Management: The platform features an advanced location management system. Within this system, different countries are set up as separate branches. This allows for distinct management and operational oversight for each country, tailored to its specific requirements.

  • Business Units Assignment: Each branch, representing a different country, is assigned to a specific business unit. These business units are essential for segregating operations, financial management, and strategic planning according to the regional needs of the service.

  • Currency Configuration: One of the standout features of each business unit is the ability to operate in different currencies. The currency is set based on the location of the business unit, ensuring that all transactions, including vehicle rentals, are billed in the local currency of that particular location.

Location Management (Branches)

The location management feature within the goUrban platform is a crucial tool for managing the geographical aspects of your vehicle-sharing service. This feature focuses on the creation and administration of branches, which are key to structuring and organizing the service in different areas.

  • Listing Branches: The platform allows fleet managers to view a comprehensive list of all branches. This list provides an overview of the various operational locations under the service’s umbrella.

  • Filtering Branches: Fleet managers can filter the list of branches based on different criteria, making it easier to find specific branches or to organize them based on certain attributes.

  • Viewing Branch Details: Detailed information about each branch is accessible, including its specific operational metrics and characteristics.

  • Creating New Branches: The platform facilitates the creation of new branches. This function is essential for expanding the service to new locations or regions.

  • Updating Branch Details: Fleet managers can update the details of each branch. This includes basic information like the branch’s name, as well as operational statuses such as whether the branch is currently operational, in preparation, or in hibernation.

  • Managing Business and Restricted Areas: Each branch can have designated business areas where the service operates, as well as restricted areas where operations are limited or prohibited. This feature allows for precise control over where vehicles can be used and parked.

  • Managing Capacities in Geo Areas: Critical for compliance with local parking regulations, this feature enables the management of specific capacities for vehicles in different geographic areas. It allows fleet managers to set and control the number of vehicles allowed in each area, ensuring adherence to city regulations and optimizing the distribution of the fleet.
  • Surcharge Areas: Create areas with increased or decreased price to end a rental.  

Business Unit

Business units in the goUrban platform are organizational entities that can be assigned to specific branches. These units play a crucial role in the financial and operational management of each branch, enabling tailored approaches to local market conditions and regulations.

Key Functionalities of Business Units

  • Updating Business Unit Details: This allows for modifications to the specific details of each business unit, ensuring that the information remains current and relevant to its assigned branch.

  • Managing Billing Information: Essential billing information like the company name, address, and other details are managed within the business unit. This is critical for accurate and localized billing processes.

  • Setting Currency: Each business unit can have its currency setting, aligning with the local currency of the branch it is assigned to. This feature is essential for handling financial transactions in the local currency, offering clarity and convenience to users.

  • Configuring VAT Percentage: The platform allows for the setting of the VAT (Value Added Tax) percentage specific to the business unit's location. This ensures compliance with local tax regulations and accurate tax calculations.

  • Customizing Terms and Conditions: Business units have the capability to set their terms and conditions, which can be tailored to meet local legal requirements and operational policies.

  • Referral Program Management: Business units can manage referral requirements and related vouchers, such as sign-up bonuses and referral bonuses. This feature is useful for promoting the service and incentivizing user growth within specific branches.

Location Branch

The location branches feature within the goUrban platform offers targeted management of different operational areas or zones, each tailored to unique operational needs and strategies.

Key Functionalities of Location Branches

  • Updating Location Branch Details: Enables managers to ensure that branch details are current and aligned with operational requirements.

  • Assigning Business Units to Branches: Vital for operational alignment, this functionality links specific business units with their unique settings to corresponding branches.

  • Setting Branch Type: Branches are classified as 'free-floating' or 'booking', catering to different operational models based on user convenience and business strategy.

  • Customizing Rental Requirements: Specific rental criteria for each branch are managed to meet user eligibility and compliance standards.

  • Managing Hours of Operation: Operational hours for each branch are set to align with local demand and business objectives.

  • Deposit Configuration: Deposit requirements for vehicle rentals are adjustable according to the branch's specific needs and vehicle types.

  • No Movement Settings: This setting is crucial for enhancing user experience. It allows the configuration of a tolerance level for rentals in terms of time and distance. If a rental is less than a specified duration (in minutes) and the vehicle moves less than a set distance (in meters), the rental can automatically be free. This helps avoid unnecessary customer support calls and enhances the overall user experience.

  • Reservation Settings: Tailor reservation options, such as booking durations and cancellation policies, to each branch's needs.

  • Designating Compatible Branches: Enhance operational efficiency by designating compatible branches for vehicle cross-utilization.

  • Setting Branch as Private: This option allows certain branches to be designated as private, offering exclusive services to specific user groups.

  • User Access Management: Control user access to branches, ensuring services are targeted and efficient.


The goUrban platform empowers shared mobility providers (operators) with the flexibility to configure payment options according to their business model and user preferences. These configurations dictate how users can manage their payments within the platform.

Balance-Based Payments:

  • Operators have the choice to configure the platform to allow users to rent vehicles by topping up their balance without the need for a recurring payment method like a credit card. In this scenario, users can make one-time payments to add credit to their balance.

  • Users can then utilize this balance to cover the cost of their rentals until it reaches zero. This approach promotes a pay-as-you-use model, offering financial control to users.

  • Invoices are generated when users proactively add funds to their balance or when their balance is settled to zero.


  • Alternatively, operators can choose to require users to add a recurring payment method, such as a credit card, to their accounts. This configuration enables automatic payments for rentals.

  • If a user's balance becomes negative due to rental charges exceeding their available balance, the platform automatically charges the difference to settle the negative balance. This ensures uninterrupted service for users.

  • Invoices are generated in two instances: when users add funds to their balance or when their balance is cleared to zero, offering clear billing information.

User Compliance:

  • Users must comply with the configuration set by the shared mobility provider. If the operator opts for Balance-Based Payments, users can only rent vehicles by topping up their balance as specified. If the operator chooses the Pay-As-You-Go model, users are required to provide a recurring payment method.

  • Compliance with the operator's chosen configuration is essential for users to access and enjoy the shared mobility services offered by goUrban.


The goUrban platform offers a diverse range of payment options and supports multiple payment gateways to enhance the convenience and flexibility of user transactions. Whether you're making a one-time rental payment or securing a deposit, goUrban ensures a seamless payment experience.

Key Features of Payment Options:

Multiple Payment Gateways:

  • goUrban supports various payment gateways, including popular options like Stripe and Adyen. This diversity allows users to choose the payment method that best suits their preferences and ensures secure and reliable transactions.

Preauthorization (Preauth):

  • Preauthorization is a valuable feature that enables users to preauthorize their payment for a rental. This ensures that the necessary funds are available in the user's account, helping to streamline the rental process.

Deposit Handling:

  • Deposits can be charged and temporarily blocked for a specified time period after a rental. This mechanism is especially useful for securing funds in case of potential damages or additional charges related to the rental.

  • Deposits can also be blocked across multiple rentals, providing operators with a level of financial security and ensuring sufficient liquidity.

Supported Payment Methods:

  • goUrban offers support for a wide array of modern payment methods, including:

    • Credit Cards
    • iDEAL
    • Bancontact
    • PayPal
    • Apple Pay
    • (Soon) Google Pay
  • The availability of these payment methods may vary depending on the selected payment gateway. goUrban ensures compatibility with the chosen gateway's supported methods.

User-Friendly Experience:

  • The goUrban platform prioritizes user convenience and ease of use, offering a seamless payment process from start to finish.

Security and Compliance:

  • goUrban places a high emphasis on payment security and compliance with industry standards. Users can trust that their payment information is handled with the utmost care and protection.

Terms and Conditions

goUrban empowers shared mobility operators to manage terms and conditions efficiently at the branch (location) level. Through the goUrban Dashboard, operators have full control to create, customize, and update terms and conditions for each branch, ensuring alignment with local regulations and operational needs. When updates are made, users are prompted to accept the new terms, promoting compliance. This approach enhances user transparency, trust, and regulatory compliance while providing a seamless user experience.


One of goUrban's standout features is its robust and versatile pricing configuration, which empowers shared mobility operators to tailor their business models to suit their unique needs and strategies. Whether it's pre-booking or on-demand rentals, goUrban's pricing options offer unmatched flexibility.

Key Pricing Options:

Unlock Fees:

  • Operators can set unlock fees to initiate rentals. This initial fee can be customized to align with the specific services or vehicles being offered.

Time-Based Pricing:

  • Time intervals are at the core of goUrban's pricing flexibility. Operators can configure pricing based on minutes, hourly rates, daily rates, or even weekly rates.

Dynamic Day Pricing:

  • Dynamic day pricing allows for variable pricing based on different time intervals within a day. For example, the first day of a rental can be priced differently from the second day, creating opportunities for strategic pricing.

Weekly Pricing:

  • Operators can activate weekly pricing after a vehicle has been rented for a specified number of days. This encourages longer rentals and provides cost-effective options for users.

Tailored Business Offerings:

  • With goUrban's pricing capabilities, operators have the freedom to design and offer a wide range of business models. Whether it's promoting short-term rentals with competitive hourly rates or incentivizing longer-term commitments with weekly discounts, the platform accommodates any business offering.

Unlimited Possibilities:

  • The goUrban pricing feature is designed to be highly versatile and adaptable. It accommodates diverse strategies, allowing operators to create unique and attractive pricing structures that align with their business goals.


Damage Management

The damage management feature is an integral part of our platform, designed to streamline the handling and tracking of damages. This module is accessible through both the Dashboard and the Service App, ensuring comprehensive coverage and ease of management.


  1. List Damages and View Details: The Dashboard provides a centralized list of all reported damages. Users can view detailed information about each damage report, including location, severity, and related images or documentation.

  2. Create Damage Reports: Users can promptly report new damages directly from the Dashboard. This feature allows for immediate logging of details such as date, time, and specifics of the damage.

  3. Update Damage State: Damage reports can be updated with their current status (e.g., Approved, Under Review, Repaired). This feature keeps all relevant parties informed about the progress of damage resolution.

  4. Create Tasks from Damages: The Dashboard enables users to create tasks related to specific damages. This could involve assigning repair tasks to team members or setting reminders for follow-up actions.

Service App 

  1. List Damages and View Details: Similar to the Dashboard, the Service App allows users to access and review a list of damages along with their detailed information.

  2. Create Damage Reports: Users on the field can report new damages in real-time through the Service App, capturing and uploading relevant data and images immediately.

  3. Update Damage State: The Service App also allows for the updating of the status of each damage report, facilitating real-time tracking and management of repair processes.

Issues (penalty management)

The issues feature in our platform is a dynamic tool, crucial for efficiently managing penalties and user-related incidents. It's enhanced by the ability to use templates, streamlining the process of charging for specific incidents, like speeding tickets.

Dashboard functionality

  1. Listing and detailing issues: When a user incurs a penalty, such as a speeding ticket, this feature lists the incident with comprehensive details. It includes the nature of the offense, the penalty amount, and any additional service fees.

  2. Creating issues with templates: To charge for common tickets quickly, users can utilize pre-defined templates. For instance, if there's a standard charge for a particular type of speeding violation, a template can be used to create this issue swiftly and accurately.

  3. Updating issue states and tracking: Users can seamlessly update the status of each issue, such as marking a speeding ticket as 'processed' once it's billed. This keeps the status of each issue clear and current.

  4. Interactive commenting and documentation: In scenarios like disputes over damage charges communication and relevant documents or images can be directly documented within the issue. 

  5. Efficient invoicing for penalties: For incidents requiring financial charges, such as vehicle damage, the feature facilitates the creation and dispatch of detailed invoices, including repair costs and service fees.


The tasks feature within our platform is a versatile tool designed to streamline task management both on the Dashboard and through the Service App. This feature provides a comprehensive approach to creating, updating, and tracking tasks.

Dashboard Functionality

  1. Listing and Viewing Task Details: Users can easily view a comprehensive list of tasks along with detailed information. Each task includes basic details like name, description, assigned vehicle, and priority level.

  2. Bulk Task Creation: To enhance efficiency, users have the capability to create multiple tasks simultaneously in bulk. This is particularly useful for managing large-scale operations or routine maintenance schedules.

  3. Dynamic Task Updating: Users can update various aspects of tasks, including the name, description, vehicle assignment, and priority. This ensures that task information is current and relevant.

  4. Managing Task States and Assignees: The feature allows users to adjust the state of a task (e.g., In Progress, Completed) and assign or reassign tasks to specific team members, facilitating smooth task allocation and tracking.

  5. Task History Viewing: Users can access the history of each task, providing insights into the task's lifecycle, including changes made, progress updates, and completion status.

Service App Functionality

  1. Task Listing: Similar to the Dashboard, the Service App allows users to view a list of tasks, tailored for on-field accessibility and ease of use.

  2. Marking Tasks as Done: Field personnel can mark tasks as completed directly through the Service App. This feature enables real-time updating of task status, ensuring efficient tracking of task completion.

Recurring tasks

The recurring tasks feature is a pivotal element of our platform, specifically designed to automate and manage tasks that occur on a regular basis. Accessible via the Dashboard, it provides a systematic approach to setting up and maintaining recurring tasks, especially for vehicle maintenance and service needs.

Dashboard Functionality

  1. Listing and Viewing Recurring Task Details: Users can easily access a list of all recurring tasks along with their detailed schedules. Each task entry provides comprehensive information, including the type of task, its recurrence pattern, and the next scheduled date.

  2. Creating Recurring Tasks: This feature allows for the creation of tasks that recur based on specific criteria. For instance:

    • Time-Based Tasks: Set tasks to recur after a defined time interval, such as every specific number of days or months.
    • Rental-Count-Based Tasks: Configure tasks to trigger after a certain number of rentals have been completed.
    • Distance-Based Tasks: Set tasks to recur after vehicles have traveled a certain distance, such as every specified number of kilometers.
  3. Updating Recurring Tasks: Users have the flexibility to modify the parameters of recurring tasks as needed. This includes changes in the recurrence pattern, task details, or associated vehicle categories.


The vouchers feature on our platform is designed to streamline the creation, management, and tracking of various types of vouchers. Accessible through the Dashboard, this feature provides a user-friendly interface for handling voucher-related tasks with ease and efficiency.

Dashboard Functionality

  1. Comprehensive Voucher Listing and Details: Users can view a detailed list of all vouchers. Each voucher entry includes key information like the voucher name, a detailed description, and specific attributes related to the voucher type.

  2. Voucher Creation: This function enables users to create new vouchers. The process is intuitive and allows for the specification of various details, including the voucher's name, a thorough description, and the intended use or application of the voucher.

  3. Updating Voucher Details: Users have the capability to modify existing vouchers. This includes updating basic information like the name and description, as well as specific details pertinent to the voucher type, such as its value, discount percentage, and any constraints or conditions that apply.

  4. Managing Specific Voucher Type Details: The feature allows for detailed customization of vouchers, including setting the monetary value for value-based vouchers, determining the discount percentage for percentage-based vouchers, and outlining any specific constraints (like validity periods or usage limitations).

Package and pass vouchers

Customizable Offer Packages and Passes: Introduce a range of offer packages and passes designed to cater to diverse user needs. Our offer packages are tailored in terms of value, providing users with pre-defined services or benefits at an attractive price point. Additionally, our passes are focused on delivering discounts, which can be configured in terms of percentage off or a specific discount value. These options allow users to choose the offer that best suits their preferences and usage patterns, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Promotion voucher

Versatile Voucher Code System: Develop a flexible voucher system that allows for the creation of both generic and unique voucher codes. Generic voucher codes can be widely distributed and used by multiple users, ideal for broad promotions. Unique voucher codes, on the other hand, are individually generated and can be tailored in terms of value, discount percentage, and specific user eligibility. This dual approach caters to diverse marketing strategies, from mass campaigns to personalized offers.

Vehicle promotion voucher (dynamic pricing discounts)

Implement Dynamic Pricing with Automated Discounts: Enhance the likelihood of new rentals by offering dynamic discounts on vehicles. This can be achieved by setting up an automated system that applies discounts based on specific tags and labels associated with each vehicle. Particularly, configure the system to recognize periods of inactivity or no rental for a vehicle and automatically apply discounts for those time frames. This strategy not only incentivizes new rentals but also ensures optimal utilization of the fleet.

Geo-fence promotion voucher

Enhance user engagement with our geo-fence based promotional vouchers. These vouchers offer discounts specifically for trips that either start or end within a designated geographical area. By targeting specific locations, this approach not only encourages usage in high-priority areas but also provides users with added value for their trips. This strategy is ideal for promoting new service areas, boosting usage during off-peak hours, or supporting local events.

Cashback voucher

Credit Card Payment Incentives: Reward your users with cashback vouchers when they choose to pay using credit cards, including VISA, Mastercard, and others. This strategy not only encourages more frequent use of credit cards for transactions but also enhances customer loyalty by providing tangible benefits for their choice of payment method.

Referral voucher

Referral Bonus System: Implement a dual-benefit referral program that rewards both the referrer and the referee. This system is designed to encourage users to refer new customers to our service. Upon a successful referral, both the individual who made the referral and the new customer who was referred will receive a bonus voucher. This not only motivates current users to promote our service but also welcomes new users with immediate rewards.

Customer care voucher

Efficient Management of Customer Care Vouchers: Establish a system to configure, streamline, and monitor the distribution and utilization of customer care vouchers. This system will allow for the easy creation and customization of vouchers as part of our customer service strategy. It also ensures efficient tracking of their usage, enabling us to assess the effectiveness of these vouchers in enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. The streamlined process will not only improve operational efficiency but also provide valuable insights into customer preferences and behavior.


The subscription and membership feature in the goUrban platform empowers shared mobility operators to enhance their offerings by providing users with exclusive perks and advantages. These subscription plans are designed to increase user loyalty and satisfaction while optimizing the operator's business model.

Key Functionalities of Subscriptions and Memberships

  • Listing Subscriptions: Fleet operators can easily view and manage a variety of subscription plans, each offering unique benefits to users.

  • Viewing Subscription Details: Access comprehensive information about each subscription plan, including its name, description, billing cycle, and associated advantages.

  • Updating Subscription Details: Modify subscription plan details as needed to stay current and aligned with user preferences.

  • Basic Subscription Details: Customize subscription plans by specifying their name, description, and other fundamental characteristics that set them apart.

  • Billing Cycle Management: Set the billing cycle for each subscription plan, offering flexibility in payment options for users.

  • Price, Limits, and Advantages: Define the price of each subscription plan, along with limits and advantages. Limits may include a free unlock fee, a percentage discount on every trip, or a maximum number of rentals per month. Advantages can encompass benefits like free insurance or reduced rental prices. These perks incentivize users to subscribe and engage with the service, boosting user retention and satisfaction.

Virtual stations (Geo-based Analytics)

Virtual Stations in the goUrban platform offer valuable insights into shared mobility operations through the analysis of specific geographic areas. These insights are derived from a set of key metrics that provide operators with a comprehensive view of the performance within each Virtual Station.


  • List virtual stations and view virtual station details
  • Create virtual station
  • Update virtual station details
    • Basic details (name, location...)
    • Capacity and area

Customer Support

goUrban is committed to providing a seamless and user-friendly experience. To achieve this, the platform has implemented a range of support features to assist users and reduce frustration.

Zendesk Live Chat Integration:

  • goUrban has integrated Zendesk Live Chat directly into the app. This enables users to access real-time assistance and support whenever they need it. Whether it's a question about rentals, payments, or any other aspect of the service, users can chat with a live agent for immediate assistance.

Interactive Tutorials:

  • Interactive tutorials are strategically placed at various points within the end-user app. These tutorials serve as user guides, helping users navigate the app and perform tasks with ease. The tutorials are designed to be user-friendly and provide step-by-step instructions, reducing frustration and ensuring a smooth user experience.

Improved Error Code Messages:

  • Recognizing the importance of clear and understandable error messages, goUrban takes a proactive approach. The platform regularly updates and improves error code messages to make them more user-friendly and informative. Users can now better understand the nature of issues and take appropriate actions.

Custom FAQ Pages:

  • To provide comprehensive self-help resources, goUrban offers custom FAQ pages within the end-user app. These FAQ pages cover a wide range of common user queries and concerns. Users can easily access answers to their questions without needing to contact support, enhancing their overall experience.

Business accounts

Business Accounts in goUrban offer a comprehensive solution tailored to the needs of businesses and organizations. This feature simplifies access to shared mobility services while providing essential tools for efficient management and administration.

Key Functionalities of Business Accounts


  • Listing Business Accounts: Fleet operators can conveniently view and manage a list of registered business accounts, providing an overview of corporate clients using the service.

  • Creating Business Accounts: Operators have the capability to create new business accounts, enabling organizations to access and utilize shared mobility services seamlessly.

  • Updating Business Account Details: Modify business account details, such as company information, user access, and cost center management, as needed to ensure accuracy and alignment with client requirements.

  • Cost Center Management: Business Accounts include a feature for cost center management, allowing organizations to allocate expenses to specific cost centers for accounting and reporting purposes.

  • User Management: Operators can manage users associated with each business account, including user approval processes, access control, and user-specific settings.

  • External API Integration: Integration with external APIs enables user sign-up and management for business accounts within the organization's intranet, enhancing user convenience and efficiency.

  • Data Exports: Business Accounts support data exports, allowing operators to provide regular data exports to integrate trip and billing information into ERP systems like SAP.

White-Label Web Interface:

  • Desktop Management: Businesses gain access to a white-label web interface, accessible from desktop computers. This interface empowers organizations to manage their business accounts, cost centers, and user profiles conveniently.

  • Invoice Downloads: Business users can download invoices directly from the web interface, streamlining the billing and accounting process.

  • User Management: Business administrators can efficiently manage user profiles, including user invitations, approvals, and role assignments, ensuring smooth user onboarding and access control.

Trip Flexibility and Payment Options:

  • Private or Business Trips: Users have the flexibility to choose between private or business trips before every journey, allowing them to categorize trips as personal or work-related.

  • Payment Methods: Business accounts can be charged immediately through payment methods such as credit cards, providing a seamless and efficient payment experience.

  • Invoice Generation: Alternatively, invoices can be generated with flexible payment terms spanning multiple days or weeks, catering to the specific financial processes and preferences of organizations.

Rental Additions

Rental Additions is a versatile feature within the goUrban platform designed to enhance the rental experience and provide additional revenue streams for fleet operators. This feature allows operators to offer valuable add-ons and extensions to users, making their rentals more flexible and convenient.

Key Functionalities of Rental Additions


  • Define Additions: Fleet operators can define a variety of rental additions that users can purchase on top of their standard rentals. These additions can include options such as insurance packages, additional services, or premium features that enhance the rental experience.

  • Additional Income: By offering these extras at an additional price, operators can generate additional income while providing users with the opportunity to customize their rentals to suit their needs.

  • Insurance Options: For example, insurances can be defined as rental additions, allowing users to reduce the deductible of vehicles for added peace of mind during their rentals.

Extend Reservation:

  • Flexible Reservation Extensions: Users have the option to pay for extending the reservation of a vehicle. This feature ensures flexibility for users who may need more time with a rented vehicle beyond their initial reservation period.

  • Convenient Extensions: Whether users require a little extra time for their journey or need to accommodate unexpected delays, the extend reservation option simplifies the process of prolonging the rental.


Radar is a feature designed to provide users with real-time updates on vehicle availability in their preferred location. It empowers users to stay ahead of the curve, ensuring they have timely access to the vehicles they need for their journeys.

Key Features of Radar:

  • Location Selection: Users can specify their desired location where they need access to a vehicle. This could be a particular neighborhood, a specific area in the city, or any location of their choice.

  • Instant Notifications: Once a location is set in Radar, users will receive instant notifications as soon as a vehicle becomes available in that area. This ensures that users are among the first to know when a vehicle that meets their needs is within reach.

Points of Interest

goUrban offers a Points of Interest (POI) feature that allows shared mobility operators to specify and visualize key locations on a map for various purposes, including promoting partnerships, highlighting restaurants, showcasing sightseeing spots, and visualizing charging stations. Here's how it works:

1. Customizable POIs:

  • Shared mobility operators can define and customize POIs on a map. These POIs can represent a wide range of locations, such as partner restaurants, popular tourist attractions, or essential charging stations.

2. Enhanced Partner Promotions:

  • For partnerships with local businesses, operators can use POIs to promote these partners directly on the map within the app. This promotes collaboration and provides added value to users.

3. Tourist-Friendly Insights:

  • Sightseeing spots can be marked as POIs to provide tourists and users with valuable insights into nearby attractions, making their travel experience more enjoyable and informative.

4. Charging Station Visualization:

  • Charging stations that support the OCPI (Open Charge Point Interface) protocol can be designated as POIs. This helps users easily locate charging stations for electric vehicles, enhancing the convenience of electric mobility services.


Establish monthly performance goals for your operations team, including metrics such as sign-ups, rentals, and revenues. Utilize transparent Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to promote clarity and drive team success.


Settings and options of the goUrban platform to be configured over the Dashboard.

Vehicle categories

  • List vehicle categories and view vehicle category details
  • Create vehicle category
  • Update vehicle category details
    • Basic details (name, description, image...)
    • Available commands
    • Parts
    • Pricing
    • Rental Requirements
    • Additions
    • Reservation cancellation reasons


  • List additions and view addition details
  • Create addition
  • Update addition details
    • Basic details (name, description...)
    • Type (helmet, insurance...)

Rental Requirements

  • List rental requirements and view rental requirements details
  • Create rental requirements
  • Update rental requirements details
    • Basic details (name...)
    • Start and end requirements (payment method, minimum balance...)


  • View languages
  • Add languages
  • Update translations


  • Filter for a timeframe
  • Group by hour, day, week, or month
  • Breakdown by branch


  • Rentals (count)
  • Average duration
  • Average distance
  • Average rating
  • Average rental price
  • Total rental price
  • Rental price by rental phase
  • Driving vs Parking minutes
  • Rentals per vehicle per day
  • Top 50 customers


  • Percentage of vehicles by service state


  • Sign-ups (count)
  • Sign-up methods
  • Age groups
  • Rentals and age groups

Business accounts

  • Business accounts (count)


  • Funnel (sign-up, payment method, driving license, rental...)
  • Elapsed time from sign-up to rental
  • Count of first rentals
  • Rentals per user


  • Bookings (count)


  • User app open
  • Rental start
  • Rental end


  • Approach (service) count by service agents
  • Leave (service) count by service agents


  • Paid invoice amount
  • Refunded invoice amount


  • Open balance amount
  • Balance breakdown


  • Redeem count
    • by voucher type (packages, promotions...)
    • by voucher

Data Access

goUrban understands the critical importance of data for operators to make informed decisions and optimize their shared mobility operations. To empower operators with comprehensive data control and analysis capabilities, goUrban offers a Snowflake-based data warehouse.

Key Features and Benefits:

1. Data Normalization:

  • The Snowflake-based data warehouse allows for efficient data normalization. This means that data is organized and structured in a standardized format, reducing redundancy and ensuring data integrity. Normalization simplifies data management and enhances accuracy.

2. Full Data Control:

  • Operators have full control of their data within the data warehouse. This control includes data ingestion, storage, retrieval, and management. It ensures that operators can access and manipulate their data as needed to gain insights and make data-driven decisions.

3. Easy Integration with BI Tools:

  • The data warehouse is seamlessly integrated with Business Intelligence (BI) tools like Metabase. This integration offers operators unparalleled flexibility in data analysis. They can create custom reports, dashboards, and visualizations to gain deep insights into their operations.

4. Unprecedented Flexibility:

  • Operators have never-before-seen flexibility when it comes to understanding and analyzing their operations. They can tailor their data analysis to specific needs, whether it's tracking vehicle usage patterns, monitoring revenue streams, or assessing customer behavior.

5. Informed Decision-Making:

  • With access to a wealth of data and powerful analysis tools, operators can make informed decisions that drive operational efficiency and profitability. They can identify trends, areas for improvement, and growth opportunities.

6. Data Security and Compliance:

  • goUrban prioritizes data security and compliance. The Snowflake-based data warehouse is designed to adhere to industry standards and best practices for data protection, ensuring that sensitive information is handled with care.

goUrban APIs


An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of endpoints allowing the Customer to execute a specified set of functionalities in the goUrban ecosystem. The functionalities and usage of these APIs are described in the respective API documentation.

The usage of such APIs is done via HTTP requests sending the appropriate and in the API docs defined HTTP bodies using the defined HTTP methods.

Fair-Use Policy

Use of the API must be limited to a reasonable number of concurrent calls (API requests), together with an appropriate wait period for completion of those calls before commencing further calls. Details on what this means on the specific APIs can be found here: API Fair-Use Policy

If the Customer engages in behavior that is a contravention of the Acceptable Use and Fair Use Policy or may be considered offensive to the Provider or its staff, the Provider reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Customer’s Services, irrespective of the form and medium of this abuse.


User API

The goUrban User API lets you create end-user applications (e.g., user app, web app). More details can be found here: goUrban - user API


Use the MaaS API for deep integration of MaaS applications by facilitating the user impersonation possibility allowing platforms to make operations in the name of a user. More details can be found here: goUrban - user API

Operations API

The goUrban Operations API gives you access to operations-related components (vehicles, vehicle commands, rental commands, ...). More details can be found here: goUrban - operations API

Devices API

The goUrban Devices API gives you access to raw IoT device-related information and the possibility to control the IoT independently of the rest of the solution. More details can be found here: goUrban - devices API



see §7(1)


  • See features above
  • It is possible to enable 2FA

Custom dashboards

Create pages unique to you and customize them to your own needs to facilitate your everyday job. Widgets include:

  • KPI (signups, rentals...)
  • Quick search (users, vehicles...)
  • Assigned tasks
  • Reported damages


  • List goals and view goal details
  • Update goal details
  • Set monthly goals for sign-ups, vehicles, and rentals

goUrban Service App

The Provider provides a mobile application for servicing the fleet and supports basic steps for operating a fleet.

App Stores

The Provider is in charge of the app stores and corresponding processes when it comes to the goUrban Service App.


goUrban may update the iOS and Android applications of the goUrban Service App. For details see §7(1).


The customization of the service app is not possible.


  • See features above
  • It is possible to enable 2FA

White-Label End-User App

App Stores

The Customer is responsible for setting up the applications on the corresponding App Stores (Apple Appstore, Google PlayStore) including certificates, app screenshots, app promotion, app ads, descriptions, and pricing. The Provider is not responsible for any support communication or troubleshooting when it comes to the mentioned App Stores.


goUrban may provide updates to the iOS and Android applications. It is the responsibility of the Customer to release the application to the corresponding App Stores. The Provider is not responsible for any support communication or troubleshooting when it comes to the mentioned App Stores.


The end-user app allows for a specified amount of customization and branding as specified in the linked document. For details on how this can be configured as well as what the effort for the different specifications is, please get in touch with your account manager.



  • Sign-up via email, SMS (requires Twilio), or social login (Facebook, Google, Apple)
  • Verify user driving license (requires Veriff)


  • View vehicles and areas such as
    • business area
    • restricted area
    • prohibited area
  • View vehicle details

User profile

  • View user details
  • Update user details


  • Add payment method (eg: Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, PayPal...), see below the list of supported payment methods depending on the payment gateway
  • Buy package
  • Buy pass
  • Buy subscription
  • View balance and balance history


  • View vouchers
  • Invite a friend
  • Redeem a code


  • Create a booking
  • Cancel a booking
  • View booking history


  • Start, park, and stop rental
  • Start via QR code
  • View rental history
  • Free reservation
  • Pay to extend reservation
  • Report damage
  • Rate rental experience
  • Take vehicle/parking photo


  • Static sidebar tutorials
  • Show tutorials in the menu or as soon as the user performs a certain action (start a rental, end a rental...). For more details on the different tutorial actions, please contact customer support.


The mobile white-label end-user application supports universal linking for linking the users directly to a specific page or action in the mobile application. For more details contact your account manager.

ZenDesk Chat (add-on)

The mobile white-label end-user application supports the setup of an in-app Zendesk chat functionality which can be configured as an add-on. For details get in touch with your account manager.

goUrban Device Cloud

The goUrban Device Cloud builds is the first contact point for the IoT (vehicle) when entering the goUrban ecosystem. Hence, this part of the service includes vehicle connection management, querying of vehicle data, vehicle command sending, and receiving vehicle-dependent events.

Vehicle Integration

All the vehicle integrations listed below include the following minimum set of capabilities:

  • Start a vehicle
  • Stop a vehicle
  • Get vehicle position
  • Get vehicle state of charge (SoC)

Depending on the concrete integration there are additional capabilities. For details contact your account manager.


  • INVERS CloudBoxx
    • according to manufacturer details
  • goConnect 130
    • Zhidou D1
    • Zhidou D2
    • MG ZS EV
  • Dunasys
    • Citroën Ami


  • NIU Fleet
    • N1 Sharing (NQi)
  • goConnect 100
    • SuperSoco CUX
    • SuperSoco CPX


  • Omni
    • OGB1/OC32 Bike Lock
  • Comodule API
    • CoCycle
  • Queclink
    • OKAI EB100
    • Segway Ninebot Urban A200
  • Manufacturer IoT
    • Acton Nexus
    • Vaimoo Forte


  • goConnect 100
    • Segway ES 2/4
    • Segway Ninebot ES Max
  • Segway API
    • Segway Ninebot ES 4/MAX
  • Omni
    • Segway Ninebot ES Max
    • Feishen Current
  • Okai
    • ES 300
    • ES 400A
    • ES 400B
  • Comodule API
    • CoScooter

Smart Station Integrations

All the station integrations listed below include the following minimum set of capabilities:

  • Unlock station

Depending on the concrete integration there are additional capabilities. For details contact your account manager.

  • Duckt Station

Open Data

The following subsections describe the solutions and services we support in the terms of making data accessible to external parties.


An export is generated based on a definition of the Provider system and contains data as it is available in the Providers system at the time when the export is created. The export is generated as CSV and is made available by:

The data can be retrieved by downloading the CSV file from the provided link in the email or the link retrieved with the webhook.

How can exports be requested

Exports can be requested by creating a support ticket via support@gourban.co.

  • Exports where a definition already exists can be requested as one-off or repeatable exports by issuing a support ticket.
  • Exports, where no definition exists, can be requested as a custom export defined in Annex 2 - Table of Fees.

Fair use policy

30 minutes of export time per week.

Available export definitions

Export service - Accessing data


For initial setup and specific city configuration, please reach out to your account manager.

Version Updating

The version of GBFS and MDS will be updated by goUrban if the version currently supported is in the process of deprecation. A prioritized individual update to the latest available version is subject to a paid custom request.

Deprecation process:

  1. A new version will be made available
  2. One major release later (2 weeks) the old version will be deprecated and only urgent bugs will be fixed.
  3. After 6 weeks the old version will be removed

Supported Standards

The below-stated version can already be deprecated or not the latest/current by the time you read this.


as in General Bikeshare Feed Specification is supported

Currently supported version: 2.2

Supported endpoints: GBFS

MDS - Provider API

as in Mobility Data Specification.

Currently supported version: 1.2.0

Supported endpoints: MDS



Integration of third-party applications and services.


goUrban has three payment gateways integrated. Each of these payment gateways has different payment methods enabled for use.


  • Credit cards
  • PayPal
  • iDEAL
  • Sofort by Klarna
  • Payconiq by Bancontact
  • Apple Pay (bank-specific limitations apply, e.g., Maestro not working for some banks)


  • Credit cards
  • Apple Pay (bank-specific limitations apply, e.g., Maestro not working for some banks)


  • Single-purchase apaya checkout


Other third parties

ZenDesk Chat

Add ZenDesk Chat to the goUrban white-label end-user application.


Send emails and push notifications to your user base via OneSignal.


Used for SMS login and communication.


Email communication provider. An operator can customize the body of the emails that are sent to the users, directly in the (eg: trip summary...)


Offer driving license verification directly in the goUrban white-label end-user app and check verification submissions in the goUrban Dashboard. Support of data extraction (name, expiration date...) including driving license category.


View in goUrban dashboard (user details) if users have open tickets in Freshdesk based on their email address.


Open source routing service allows the applications to draw a route from stop A to stop B on a digital map.


The goUrban Dashboard and end-user app use Mapbox as a map provider to show digital locations and landmarks.


Error reporting tool used to detect anomalies before they arise.

Amazon Web Services

Service hosting and additional service provider


Database service provider.

Open Cage

Open Geocoding API serves the goUrban applications converting coordinates to landmark names and addresses. (Latitude and longitude pairs to addresses)


Service capable of identifying a geo-location-based on an IP address. Serving location detection even if the location on a phone is not shared.