goUrban has implemented GBFS standards according to the best practices. Utilizing the latest versions (GBFS v2.2) in our solution we have implemented our end-points to work with the proposed standards in a best practice outcome.

For more detail on the official documentation, please review the document below.

Accessing the endpoints

In regards to setting up the appropriate access, the operators have to get in touch with the goUrban team so that the relevant API access can be configured.


There is a setup fee and a monthly fee for using GBFS, please reach out to your account manager for further information.

About GBFS

The General Bikeshare Feed Specification, known as GBFS, is the open data standard for shared mobility. GBFS makes real-time data feeds in a uniform format publicly available online, with an emphasis on findability. GBFS is intended to make information publicly available online; therefore information that is personally identifiable is not currently and will not become part of the core specification.

Official documentation

Endpoints for GBFS

GBFS v2.2

Base URL

The base URL is where all GBFS endpoints can be used on. The {uuid} part can be used to run multiple GBFS endpoints for different cities in the same environment.

Please check with your contact at goUrban to get the tenant and UUID to be used.



General Information

The / endpoint provides some general information and a list of all the available languages and endpoints in the system.

Note: goUrban GBFS only supports en endpoints as no translations are necessary for free-floating systems.

GBFS Version

The /gbfs-versions give an overview of all the supported versions and on which endpoints they can be found.

Free Bike Status

The /free-bike-status endpoint is the main endpoint of GBFS and provides information about all the available vehicles in the system.

Vehicle Types

The /vehicle-types endpoint provides a list of all the different vehicle types available in the system. These types are referenced in the free bike status response

System Information

The /system-information endpoint provides information about the system that this GBFS implementation is running on.

Additional Endpoints

The following endpoints are optional and need additional configuration. Please get in touch with the goUrban team to make them available.

  • /station-information
  • /station-status
  • /system-hours
  • /system-calendar
  • /system-regions
  • /system-pricing-plans
  • /system-alerts
  • /geofencing-zones


Depending on the configuration the endpoints can be made publicly available or secured behind a bearer token authorization.

Additionally, the responses for the discovery file and system information endpoints can be configured. Operators should get in touch with support: