
Create goals to set monthly targets and track your progress.

How to enable this feature?

This feature has been enabled globally for all users. To do so:

  • Click the Apps icon in the dashboard menu
  • Find Goals  app under Available apps
  • Click the Activate button

As soon as this feature is activated, you and all other users will see a new dashboard icon in the dashboard menu.

How to set goals?

Make sure to have selected the branch you want to set up the goals for.

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Go to Goals
  3. Click the Add goals button

In the form:

  1. Select for which month you want to set goals
  2. Set your goals
  3. Submit the form

You can set goals for different months and edit goals by clicking on one of them in the list. You can also delete a monthly goal if you want to.

You can now view the goals.

How to view goals?

Goals are showing up in the top bar of the dashboard, next to your avatar. Click on it to view all the goals and browse the months.

In the settings, you can decide which value you want to be displayed by default (rentals, signups, or rental revenues). On click, you access the details.

You can also add goals as a widget on your custom dashboard page if you have it enabled. See the Custom dashboard page for more information.