End User App Release Notes

Below you can find all the release notes for the End User App

App release notes 2.2.9


100 POIs possible to display

Until now the end user app displayed only 20 POIs. This was increased to 100 now.

App release notes 2.2.8

Edit a Booking in the End User App

From now on it is possible to edit a booking that hasn’t started yet. All upcoming bookings are displayed in the end user app, entering the Drawer Menu → Rides -> Upcoming Rides.

After clicking on the ‘Edit’ button the user will be redirected to the booking calendar, where he follows the already known booking user flow.

After finishing the booking cycle, the ‘Upcoming Rides’ section will be updated with the requested changes.

For more information please visit: the booking flow of the calendar view

Custom Links Collection

From now on it is possible to group custom links into collections for the operators to be able to promote any nearby places or activities.

Custom Link Collection can be configured in the Dashboard -> Settings -> App settings -> Menu -> Custom Link Collection

Dashboard user is able to create a group (collection) that would include a collection of multiple links to external activities. In the end user app the links will be grouped together in the app’s main menu.

For more information please visit the Custom Link Collection article

Bug fixes:

Improvement of user flow in case booking start rental requirements were not met

When end user is not meeting start rental requirements for a concrete vehicle category, on a ‘select vehicle category’ screen appears a “Requirements” button (next to the vehicle category, where the requirements are not met) instead of a “Select” button. Upon clicking on the button, the end user will be redirected to the screen where he can fulfill the missing requirement (e.g. if a driving license is missing, the end user will be redirected to a screen to verify the license).

QR code scanner issue with long title fixed

If the camera title is too long in any language, the title will be broken down to multiple lines in order not to overlap the close button.

Editable fields are editable

We have fixed a bug where editable user related fields (e.g. name, address) were not editable in the end user app.

App release notes 2.2.7

Push notifications deeplinks are now working as expected

We have fixed a bug where push notification deeplinks did not lead to a current page but rather to a generic page prompting users to download the app.

Purchased ride passes can’t be bought again

We resolved a bug where the end-user was able to re-purchase an already-purchased ride pass. The purchased ride passes can be now re-purchased only after they expire.

Deactivated ride passes will remain visible in the end-user app

When a user deactivates a ride pass on the Dashboard, the ride pass now states active in the end-user app until the end user uses up the ride pass. After that, the user is not allowed to buy it again as it is no longer active.

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App release notes 2.2.6

Timeout for bad internet connection

In the event of a bad internet connection, while using the end user app a command can take a very long time to execute. To resolve that we added a timeout when requesting to start a rental, end a rental, or switch the vehicle from the park or drive mode. Clicking on reload refreshes the app, where the rental states are also refreshed.

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App release 2.2.5



Updated oneSignal

Updated oneSignal to the latest version!

Display rental count in the 'Ride passes' screen

Ride passes are valid only for a number of rentals and now have this number displayed.



App text not being translated

Fixed an issue where certain parts of the app were not being correctly translated.

Removed reservation time from the rental duration

Rental reservation is not counted towards rental time anymore.

Crash fixes

Fixed the most common reasons for app crashes in the end user app.


App release 2.2.2


Allow users to delete their accounts in the app

Users are now able to request deletion of their accounts from the end-user app. In some scenarios, this was preventing the end-user app released to the app store.

Display points of interest in the end-user app (BETA)

Create and configure points of interest, giving information to the user about parking spots, businesses, charging stations, and more. Each piece of information needs to be configured in the dashboard.


Dynamic value for vehicle update trigger

A new setting where you can configure how often the app fetches vehicles outside of a rental. The minimum value is 10 seconds to avoid any overload or inaccurate data.

Check rental requirements before taking the end rental picture

When clicking the “End rental” button in the end-user app, all end rental requirements are checked before the user takes the end rental picture.

Add "price per km" placeholder on translation keys

In the sharing modal, you can now add the price per km in the translation key


Signup package 3ds not being triggered

Fixed a problem with the 3ds cards, where the signup packages could not be purchased with 3ds cards.


Added fastPay integration

Added the redirection to fastPay, after apcoPay requirement for the 1st of September.

Enable Sentry for production Apps

Sentry provides us with more insights into error codes.

Additionally, the most common crash issues were fixed. This was related to the splash screen and MapBox token.


Allow users to delete their accounts in the app

Users are now able to request deletion of their account, from the end-user app. This was done because it was requested by Apple, and was preventing end-user app release to the app store.

Fixed issue with sign-up package 3DS not being triggered

Sign-up packages could not be purchased with 3DS cards because the standard trigger was not activating, and this was fixed.


Fixed issue with business owner being able to delete account mid-rental

Fixed issue where a business owner could delete the business account mid-rental, which deleted the business account payment method and made the rental impossible to be billed.



Allow app to filter by vehicle type

New app button where the user can filter by vehicle type.


  • Vehicle types are taken from the all the vehicles under the user current billable branch.
  • The feature needs to be activated, please contact the support team for this feature.

Update QR code screen

Updated design for the QR code screen.


User are not able to buy signup packages with apple-pay

Fixed issue where users were unable to purchase the signup packages with Apple-pay



Show voucher name in rental summary screen

In the rental summary, instead of displaying the voucher type, we now display the voucher name.

Update tutorial link in menu

Added a new trigger in the dashboard for the tutorial in the app menu.

Add token encryption for endUser app

We now encrypt the user token in the app, providing more security for the user.


  • Rental not displayed when app is in running in the background before rental start
  • Start rental not being triggered during bookings
  • Referral not triggered on Android 12
  • Do not prompt several errors if one error is already displayed
  • Dark mode - vouchers screen fix


End User App Release 2.1.8


GIF support for tutorials

Tutorials now support GIFS when adding an image. GIFs size shouldn’t be larger than 10MB.

Package name instead of code

In the packages screen, the package name is displayed as the name instead of code.

Bug fixes

  • In the subscription screen, fixed an issue that caused that sometimes in the daily subscriptions the word “days” was displayed as “da”.



End User App Release 2.1.7


End User App Release 2.1.6


Android 12 support

App now supports Android 12


The app will only show relevant business areas when selecting and renting a vehicle.

Voucher details

On the Wallet/Voucher, clicking on the voucher shows more details about the vouchers


  • Improved app performance when there are too many operational branches
  • Possible to configure radar icon color (not available in the dashboard yet)


  • Removing a user recurring payment method no longer cause the user to be stuck on the adding payment method screen.
  • Fixed issue where business owners from business accounts that were created via the dashboard, could not make business rentals.
  • Start rental tutorials are now triggered when scanning a vehicle QR code

CW 39

End User App Release 2.1.5


  • Reservation timer button was disappearing when user had an active reservation and clicked on the map. The timer button should stay on the screen.
  • The owner of the business account couldn’t see business accounts activated and do business rentals.
  • ApplePay couldn’t be disabled when buying a package.
  • Lock/Unlock slider in the car rental modal was doing the opposite.

CW 34

End User App Release 2.1.4


  • Performance improvements by component refactoring and package upgrades
  • Android App Bundle format support and connected React-Native version upgrade (necessary update requested from Google). Improves:
    • stability
    • performance
    • necessary for future features which require this technology
  • Instagram icon is now possible to add via the dashboard (Settings / App Settings / Menu / Custom links)
  • Support for subscriptions, vouchers, and packages with percentage discount

Bug fixes:

  • Most popular label color on packages is now configurable from the dashboard (Settings / App Settings / Theme / Screens)
  • Vehicle category marker color is now configurable from the dashboard (Settings / Vehicle Categories / App)
  • Buy time button not showing anymore when reservation extension is not enabled

CW 28

End User App Release 2.1.3

New features:

  • Apple Pay integration(for Adyen and Checkout): users now can add Apple Pay as payment method, on sign-up flow and it can be selected as a payment method for buying packages or pay as you go.

For more information visit: https://whimsical.com/payment-gateways-and-payment-methods-GVBef1GvMEJQupe59X4Lsu


  • Updated the balance: sum of the wallet balance is updated to show the sum of the cash balance and the remaining value of vouchers.
  • Voucher icon removed from the vehicle modal.
  • Registration flow improvement (back-button removed from the first registration screen).
  • Sign-up flow text adaptation: "Missing Terms and Conditions" text is now displayed if there is no URL attached.
  • Improvements of the Android back-button behaviour.
  • Bookings: minor fixes to booking flow to prevent crashes in edge cases.

Bug fixes:

  • Deeplink bug fixes: Fixed reopening screens and duplicate alerts.
  • Fixed end rental photo taking behaviour: User is now able to go back in end of the rental flow when he is taking a parking photo.
  • Fixed QR code scanner & vehicle disappearing after the first rental: Now the QR scanner stays on the screen after the rental.