Vehicle availability and Service States

Before, the availability of a vehicle was only defined by the state of service of a vehicle, which was either OPERATIONAL or OUT_OF_ORDER. Now, the service state alone is not enough to determine if a vehicle is available or not.

We define a vehicle as Available if:

  1. It has an Operational service state
  2. It has Sufficient battery level
  3. It has its IoT device Online

All 3 conditions need to be met for a vehicle to be considered Available. If ANY of these conditions aren’t met, the vehicle is Unavailable, meaning it cannot be rented at the moment and requires action from your team in order to be set back to Available.

Please see the chart below that illustrates how Availability is determined. For a vehicle to be considered Available, every property has to have a green value.

Vehicle availability


NOTE: You can’t manually change the availability of a certain vehicle, it is always calculated using the current vehicle service state, battery level, and IoT state.

1. Service states

Operational service states


This is the default operational service state. The vehicle is available from the service state standpoint.


The vehicle should be checked by a service worker for suspected issues. However, the vehicle is still operational and available from the service state standpoint.


The vehicle is in a forbidden area and it should be moved. It’s operational and available from the service state standpoint.

Out of order service states

All of the following service states describe cases when the vehicle is not available and cannot be rented for a certain reason.


Used to mark vehicles for collection in order to be fixed in the workshop.

Service (on-site)

Used for minor vehicle issues that are anticipated to be fixable on-site.

Service (external)

To be used by operators partnering with an external organization that services their vehicles.

Service (workshop)

The vehicle is located in the workshop in order to be serviced.


The vehicle is marked for a replacement. A service worker should replace it with an operational vehicle.


The vehicle is impounded by the city police or parking authority.


The vehicle is missing and its current location of it is unknown.

The last known location is shown on the map if this filter is used.

Ready for deployment

The vehicle has been serviced, all issues were handled and it’s ready to be put back into circulation.

Other / Unknown

An operator or a service worker can use this state in cases when no above-mentioned states are suitable.


Used when a vehicle is written off and won’t be used commercially anymore. This will not be visible as a map filter as these vehicles are no longer there.

Note: vehicles that are in state 'Retired', remain visible in the vehicles page.

2. IoT States

IoT states


Vehicle IoT is online and if other conditions are met, the vehicle can be rented.


Vehicle IoT is offline and we can show the last known location of it on the map.

3. Battery Levels

Battery Levels

Battery levels are not part of service states, however, they do affect when considering if a vehicle is available or not at the moment. All of the battery levels below can be filtered in the dashboard or in the service app.


The vehicle is sufficiently charged (above Low SoC threshold in either High or Medium SoC) and it can be rented if other conditions are met.


Vehicles with a battery level under the threshold that’s considered low SoC. The vehicle is unavailable and cannot be rented at the moment.


Vehicles with a battery level under the threshold that’s considered critical SoC. The vehicle is unavailable and cannot be rented at the moment.

NOTE: While swapping the battery on site, the battery level will automatically be updated to reflect the new level, this process can take up to 10 seconds.