Unique voucher codes

You can generate a list of unique voucher codes to share. Users can redeem the code and get a voucher in return.

Find the feature in Settings / Unique voucher codes. Make sure that you are in a billable branch.

Important notes

  • The value of vouchers generated via the unique voucher codes feature is not added to the user's balance. The user gets issued a voucher instead.
  • The code can be entered in the Promotions screen of the app but will be visible in the Wallet under Vouchers.
  • Not all options are supported by the goUrban white label app, more about this below.


In the table showing all campaigns that you have created, you can see:

  • the number of unique codes generated
  • the number of codes that have been redeemed

How to create unique voucher codes

  • Go to Settings / Unique voucher codes
  • Click Create unique voucher codes

In the form:

  • give the voucher a name
  • set how many vouchers you want to generate (up to 5,000 at a time)
  • select a type:
    • Value
    • Discount value on rental
    • Discount percentage on rental
  • set a value

You can add constraints to the voucher. If you want to you can:

  • set a date when the voucher should expire
  • or set a number of minutes/days/hours... after which the voucher should expire once it has been redeemed by the user

You can also:

  • limit it to a certain number of rentals
  • in case you have a sign-up fee, use the voucher to waive the signup fee
  • when should users be able to redeem the voucher
  • limit it to users with certain tags
  • limit it to users with certain labels
  • limit it to certain vehicle categories - Not supported in the goUrban end-user app, but is if you have your own end-user app.

Once you are ready, click Create vouchers and download codes. You will get a list of codes that you can share.