Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

2FA is an extra layer of security used to make sure that people trying to gain access to an online account are who they say they are. It is possible to enable 2FA for both the goUrban dashboard and the service app.

How does it work?

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security system that requires two separate, distinct forms of identification in order to access something.

Whenever 2FA is enabled, users have to identify themselves with their credentials (email/password) and a 2FA code.

How to get the 2FA code?

The 2FA code is available in a third-party app.

Download the Google Authenticator app:

What are the options?

By default, 2FA is disabled. To enable it, please reach out to or your Account Manager.

You can choose to keep it this way or to:

  • make it optional: users can configure 2FA but can also skip it. If they have configured it, they will be asked to input their 2FA at each login.
  • make it mandatory: users have to configure 2FA, they can't log in without it.

2FA is supported in both the dashboard and the service app. 2FA is not supported by the goUrban white-label end-user app.

Therefore, you shouldn't use 2FA if you use email as a sign-in method and the white-label end-user app.

What happens when I lose my device?

Please reach out to support at and we can disable the 2FA and allow you to set it up again.