Tutorial quick-view

Click the tutorial name to continue editing the tutorial and open the quick-view.

Add Slide

By clicking this button a new window opens, where you must give the new slide a title and a description. Upload an image (1000x1000) and press Add Slide to finish.

Note: GIFs and mp4 formats or any video format are not supported. This is a limitation of the tutorial feature.

Delete Tutorial

If you want to delete a tutorial, click on the button where a confirmation window will pop out to ask for the confirmation of this step. Press Yes if you want to continue and No to abort the action.


You can see several details of the tutorial listed here and adapt the settings of the tutorial.


Name of the tutorial internally.


Whenever you are ready, set the tutorial to active, by clicking on the toggle button.

One Time Visibility

Click the toggle button to activate this possibility. The end-user will see the tutorial only one time.


A trigger determines at which point of the user interaction with the app a tutorial will be shown. The options available are now:

  • App Start
  • Switching Mode
  • Selecting Vehicle
  • Sign Up
  • First Rental
  • Start Rental
  • End Rental
  • Open menu
  • Menu link

Note: You can only have one tutorial slide set of images per trigger active at any given time. If there are several active, only one tutorial for that trigger will be displayed!

Customer Support Action

With this option enabled, a phone icon will appear in the top right of the tutorial, where users can directly contact support without the need to go to the menu.

'Don't show again' Option

Click the toggle button to activate this possibility. The end-user will be able to tick a checkbox to not see this tutorial again. Please note that this feature works with the rental and reservation triggers and does not work for the other triggers.

Slide tab

Depending on how many slides you have added, you will see the amount of tabs that are numbered.

Delete slide

If you want to delete a slide, click on the button where a confirmation window will pop-out to ask for the confirmation of this step. Press Yes if you want to continue and No to abort the action.

You can edit the slides with the following information:


Title of the slide. It can be adapted by clicking out of the editing window.


Description of the slide. It can be adapted by clicking out of the editing window.

Image (1000x1000)

Upload an image in the pop-out, when clicking on the already existing image or on Upload.

Background color

Set the background color of the image, if it has a transparent background. The background color can be set dynamically in the pop-out.

Background image (1000x1000)

Set a background image if the main image has a transparent background or you want to show a master background and only change the main items in the front.