
Create a subscription/membership to offer a recurring package to your client with special benefits.

To activate the Subscriptions option go to the 'Apps' tab in the Dashboard, find 'Subscriptions' and press activate.

Find the feature in Settings / Subscriptions. This option is only visible while a billable branch is selected.

Please note that all subscriptions expire at midnight, and auto renew occurs automatically at 2 am on the first day after the expiration of the subscription.


In the table are all subscriptions shown that you have created, you can see:

  • the ID
  • the state
    • ACTIVE or
  • the name
  • the price (in the currency which is configured in the billable branch)
  • the billing cycle

of the subscriptions.


When selecting one of the existing subscriptions, the quick-view panel will open and you can see all the details of the selected subscription.

Here you are also able to Activate or Deactivate a subscription, by clicking on the button on top.

Any time before a subscription has been used/redeemed, the settings can be changed here. After the subscription has been used/ redeemed only the app label and the invoice label can be changed.

How to create a subscription?

Make sure to browse a billable branch to be able to create a subscription.

Go to Settings / Subscriptions

Click Create Subscription

In the form:

  • Give the subscription an internal name e.g. “spring subscription 2050”
  • Select the billing cycle. The options are:
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • First of month (when purchased by the end-user e.g. on the 15th of a month, he will be charged the full amount on the 15th and again on the first of the next month until he cancels the subscription).
    • Yearly
    • First of year (analog to “First of month”)
  • Enter a price for the subscription
  • Select a type. The options are:
    • Discount value on rental (fixed amount on rental)
    • Discount percentage on rental (discount percentage on rental which can be selected from the dropdown - Not supported in the goUrban end-user app, but is if you have your own end-user app.)
    • Value (credit value the user gets for every billing cycle)
  • Applicable rentals count. After a defined count of rentals, the subscription will end.

Once you are ready, click Create Subscription.

How to create a subscription trial?

To set up a subscription trial first you will need to create a subscription. Once you create a Subscription, in the Quickview you will see the ​"Trial length" and ​"Trial price​" fields. The trial length is the number of renewals that the user has to pay the trial price for.

Subscription Trial fields

First example:

“A subscription with a free trial of 2 weeks where the user pays nothing for this period and then is billed normally from the third week onward.”


Price: 5€

Billing Cycle: Weekly

Trial Length: 2

Trial price: 0


1st week -> 0€

2nd week -> 0€

3rd week -> 5€


Second example:

“A subscription which costs 20€ for the first two months and the normal price after that”


Price: 40€

Billing Cycle: Monthly

Trial Length: 2

Trial price: 20€


1st month -> 20€

2nd month -> 20€

3rd month -> 40€

NOTE: A limitation of the trial system is that it is not possible to bill a subscription monthly and give a 2 weeks trial. The trial will always be the same length as the billing cycle.


To translate the information which is shown in the white-label end-user app, simply go to Localization and then enter Membership in the search bar. You will see now all translations which are possible for this feature.

In detail, the translation, translation keys, and visibility of the bullet points work as follows.

  • 1st bullet point: Shows the description of the subscription if filled. Otherwise, if the rebate field is filled the translation with Membership.rentalRebate is visible
  • 2nd: Translates to Membership.creditsToRideVehicles if the value field is filled
  • 3rd: Translates to Membership.benefitsOfMembership if the number-of-rentals field is filled
  • 4th: Translates to Membership.discountOnRides if the discount field is filled
  • 5th: Translates to Membership.noMinimumMembership
  • 6th: Translates to Membership.purchasedFundsText

Example picture of a subscription in the white-labeled end-user app

Requirements for an end-user

An end-user has to have a recurring payment method added and set to their default payment method. The end-user will not be able to purchase a subscription without a recurring payment method. An end-user is never able to delete a recurring payment method from their wallet if it is their only payment method.