Recurring tasks

The aim of setting a recurring task is to reduce the manual workload and help the operations to have a well-maintained fleet.

To be able to create recurring tasks, the goUrban team has to enable this feature for every operator first.

Where can I find recurring tasks?

To create a recurring task, go to the dashboard -> Settings -> Recurring Tasks-> click the button Create Recurring Task. See the screenshot below for reference.

Location of "Recurring Tasks"

What are the available settings for recurring tasks?

When creating a recurring task, you have to enter 4 necessary steps:

  1. Title: give the task to create a meaningful name e.g. "Oil change mopeds".
  2. Description: give your task a description to help your employees understand the task better e.g. "Change Oil, 500ml Castrol, Update ERP System."
  3. Vehicle category: choose the desired vehicle category e.g. "goUrban Moped".
    Create a "Recurring Task"
  4. Type: you have three options to choose from for the recurrence of the task
    • Time: the recurrenceTimeUnit has to be set in the format ("DAYS", "WEEKS", "MONTHS", "YEARS"). Example use case: "every year the brakes have to be checked".
Set a time frame for a recurring task
  • Distance: set the distance in the format of "KILOMETERS". Example use case: "every 5000km the tires have to be changed".
Set a distance for a recurring task
  • Rentals: set the number of rentals in plain number format. Example use case: "every 500 rentals check the saddle condition".

Set the number of rentals


An example of what a task could look like is below.

Example of how a task could look

After clicking the button Create Recurring Task the task is saved. See screenshot for reference.

The task has been successfully saved


When clicking on one recurring task, the quick view tab opens and the details can be viewed.

Quickview of a recurring task

Explanation of the Quickview

  • Button Delete task: this button deletes a recurring task. The task will no longer be shown in the overview of recurring tasks. Already created tasks on vehicles will remain. When deleting a task, you will get asked, if you want to delete also the child's recurring tasks.

Delete a task with the option to delete task children too

When selecting also the task children check-box, all of the recurring task children won't show up in the recurring task overview anymore.

Question: How do I know what a parent task and a child task is?

A child task has a blank vehicle category in Quickview. This limitation is known by goUrban and a resolution is in progress.

This screenshot shows a child task because the vehicle category is blank in the Quickview
  • ID: this number shows the recurring task ID number.
  • Title: this field shows the title that has been chosen during creation and will be used when creating tasks for vehicles.
  • State: this field shows the state of the task. There are three different states:
    • Open: When creating a recurring task, the state will be in "Open". As long as the task is in this state, you can change:
      • Title
      • Priority
      • Description
      • Vehicle category
      • Time / Kilometers / Rentals
    • Recurring: You need to put the state to "Recurring" to activate the recurring task. When doing so, it is no longer possible to change any setting of the recurring task.
    • Completed: When selecting this option, no further new tasks will be created by this recurring task. The already created ones are not touched. (If this is a parent recurring task, all children will be set to Completed)

Three different states are possible to select via a dropdown menu

The state of the task cannot be changed via the ServiceApp.

  • Priority: you can change the priority of this task by clicking on the field (in the screenshot "SEVERE"). Possible priority statuses are:
    • LOW
    • NORMAL
    • HIGH
    • SEVERE
  • Description: this field shows the description that has been added when creating the recurring task.
  • Vehicle category: this field shows the vehicle category that has been added when creating the recurring task.
  • Kilometers: this field shows the number of kilometers that have been added when creating the recurring task.
  • Created by: this field shows the creator of the task. You can also click on this user and get redirected to the user Quickview.
  • Created on: this field shows the date and time when the task was created and cannot be changed.
  • Updated on: this field shows the date and time, this task was last updated and cannot be changed.

A recurring task after setting the state to "Recurring"


When creating a recurring task, this task will also create children's tasks for every vehicle in the selected category.

When looking at the example from above "Test Oil Change Moped", a child task will be created as soon as a vehicle that is within the vehicle category "Any vehicle" has driven more than 1.000km. This task is then visible when clicking on the respective vehicle in the dashboard and then navigating to the tab "Tasks", as well as in the goServiceApp when scanning the respective vehicle.

All recurring tasks set to RECURRING are checked periodically every four hours, to see if their criteria are met. If so, a new task is created for the linked vehicle. Because of this 4-hour interval, it is possible that a vehicle is meeting the criteria for task creation but a task has not been created yet.

Tasks visible per vehicle in the Quickview


The task is visible in the goServiceApp