
Easily create and manage tutorials. Tutorials can be triggered in the white-label end-user app based on some triggers.

How to create a tutorial

Select the top branch.

  1. Go to Settings / App settings
  2. Click Tutorials
  3. Click Add tutorial
  4. Complete and submit the form

Note: You can only have one tutorial slide set of images per trigger active at any given time. If there are several active, only one tutorial for that trigger will be displayed!

Tutorial quick-view

Click the tutorial name to continue editing the tutorial and open the quick-view.

How to translate a tutorial

It is possible to translate:

  • name
  • slide title
  • slide description

Let's say you have a tutorial on how to rent a scooter. In the first slide, you want to show something like this:

  • title: Wear a helmet
  • description: We recommend wearing a helmet.

In the title field, write instead something like: tutorial.howtoscooter.slide1.title

In the description field, write instead something like: tutorial.howtoscooter.slide1.desc

Now you can add translations:

  • Go to Settings / Localization
  • Click Translate new text
  • As key, input tutorial.howtoscooter.slide1.title
  • For area, select CORE
  • For text to translate, input Wear a helmet

Now you can search for Wear a helmet and add translations.

Do the same for the description and for other slides.