Setting up a business account

A user can create a business account and invite users to it. Whenever a user makes a business trip, the cost gets charged to the business account.

Activate business accounts

  1. Go to Apps
  2. Find Business accounts and click Activate

View business accounts

  1. Go to Users
  2. Click Business accounts

Very much like users, business accounts have details, a balance etc.

Enable and use business accounts in the white-label end-user app

Whenever you are ready, you can make the business accounts option visible in the goUrban white-label end-user app:

  • Go to Settings
  • Click App Settings
  • Click General
  • Click the Business accounts tab
  • Switch on Show business accounts

In the end-user app, users can:

  • Create, join or leave a business account
  • Invite a user to join a business account
  • Delete a business account
  • Switch between business and personal account

Create or join a business account

Go to your Wallet and select the Business button:

Once you do, follow the instructions until completion, and after that, your business account will be active and will have the active label.

Invite a user to join a business account

  • Go to the Wallet
  • Click Business account
  • Share code with people you wish to join

The user will need to enter the code under the business profile, by pressing 'Join an existing company'. Once someone has entered the code, the owner of the business account will get a prompt in the app asking them to accept or deny the user.

Delete a business account

  • Go to the Wallet
  • Click Business account and click 'Delete group'
  • Confirm the delete on the pop up screen

Switch between private and business account

  • Select a vehicle
  • Switch between private and business