Service App setup and maintenance

Here you will see how to add vehicle images, map icons, and how to set the approach/deploy/close commands

Set the vehicle map icon for the maintenance app

Go to dashboard settings > vehicle categories > pick the category for which you want to add the map icon:



You have four types of vehicles, and each has a different map pin:

- Car

- Scooter

- Kick scooter

- Bicycle


Set the vehicle image displayed in the vehicle quick view

Go to dashboard settings > vehicle categories > pick the category you add the image to and then go to the App tab:


Once there you can add a vehicle image with the dimension 800x800.

Set the approach/deploy/close commands

Go to dashboard settings > vehicle categories > pick the category you want to set up and select the Commands tab.

Approach commands
Approach commands will be executed when the service app user approaches the vehicle (either by pressing the approach button, or scans the vehicle QR code, or by entering the vehicle code). Best practice is to always use the 'Set out of order' command here, and the rest you can configure as you wish. We do this, because the vehicle is not visible to any potential users which could be looking to reserve a vehicle, to avoid a bad user experience.


Deploy commands

Deploy commands will be executed when the service worker successfully finished maintenance and wishes to deploy the vehicle back to the streets. It will leave the vehicle operational and ready to be rented, and it’s a best practice that you always use Set operational here.



Close commands

Close commands will be executed when the worker wasn’t able to resolve all the problems with the vehicle and the vehicle should not become operational again. He presses the Close button in the app, instead of Deploy, and the commands you configure here will be executed.