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  2. Ecosystem
  3. Payment gateways and payment methods


Explanation on how to enable and set up PayPal

To enable PayPal please follow the setup guide below.

PayPal is supported by Adyen.

In the white-label end-user app, PayPal is supported so that:

  • on sign-up, when adding a recurring payment method
  • in the wallet:
    • when adding a recurring payment method
    • when buying a package, only if it has been added as a recurring payment method

Paypal can also be added as a recurring payment for business accounts.

How to setup up PayPal at Adyen


  • You must have a PayPal Business account

Give Adyen access to PayPal

documented here: https://docs.adyen.com/payment-methods/paypal-classic#prerequisites 

  1. Go to API Permissions
    1. Click your name at the top right, and select Account Settings.
    2. Click Edit next to API access.
    3. On the API Access page, click Grant API Permission.
  2. Enter the Third Party Permission Username: paypal_api2.adyen.com
  3. Click search -> Account should be found
  4. Add the following permissions:
    1. Use Express Checkout to process payments.
    2. Issue a refund for a specific transaction.
    3. Process your shopper's credit or debit card payments.
    4. Authorize and capture your PayPal transactions.
    5. Obtain information about a single transaction.
    6. Charge an existing customer based on a prior transaction
    7. Create and manage Recurring Payments.
    8. Obtain authorization for pre-approved payments and initiate pre-approved transactions.
    9. Generate consolidated reports for all accounts. (if available)
    10. Use Express Checkout to process mobile payments.)
  5. Click add

Contact PayPal to enable “reference transactions”

This is needed in order for Adyen to be able to work with PayPal.

Add PayPal account to Adyen

Go to your Adyen merchant account > Account > Payment Methods > Request payment methods:

  1. Select PayPal.
  2. Insert your PayPal e-mail which shall be connected to the transactions processed by Adyen.
  3. Insert your PayPal account ID.

You can find this PayPal account ID on paypal.com > Name in top right > Account settings > Business information > PayPal Merchant ID

Add PayPal at goUrban

Please contact your account manager to enable PayPal in the white-label app.