Operations Guide


In this guide, the goal is to give an insight into the goUrban environment as well as describe the usage of the goUrban Operations API. This comes along with some basics to get started as well as very specific concepts and technical flows describing how the interaction with the environment works to achieve the desired outcome.

Operations API

The goUrban Operations API is a top-level API allowing authorized API clients to manage the fleet, retreive and sync data from inside the core solution, and execute vehicle commands outside of rentals, etc. This can be seen as a fleet management API that supports operators to build on top of the existing solution provided. Especially, this enables tech-savvy operators to build their own use-cases based on one single point of truth which is residing in the goUrban solution. This shall ensure maximal flexibility and extensibility by keeping it managed in one place.

Documentation: https://operations-api.docs.gourban.co/

Example Use-case:

A goUrban operator wants to extend the goUrban solution by additional logic which is specific to the use-case of the operator. Let’s take the example use-case of alarming vehicles as soon as the state of charge reaches a limit of 15%.

To achieve this the API-consuming solution needs to request API user access from goUrban via the corresponding client and authorizes its' user to use the authorization endpoints of the API. Having the token at hand this API client is able to fetch vehicles with


Getting started

To get started in the goUrban landscape dig into our knowledge base and make yourself familiar with the terminology and the fundamental concepts used in the environment.

Also find all the API basics in the following article API Basics.