Make a branch private

Set a branch to private so that only users who have been added manually can see the vehicles of that branch in the white-label end-user app.

This is useful in case you want to limit the use of certain vehicles a group of people. For example, a use case could be corporate cars of a company that should only be available to certain employees. Another example could be assigning vehicles to a residential area that only the residents can rent.


First, you want to set the branch to private:

  1. Create a branch as you would normally do
  2. Open the branch quick-view
  3. In the header, click on Set to private

After this, a new tab Users should show in the quick-view of the branch. Here you can now add users to the branch by following the next steps:

  1. Click the Users tab
  2. Click Add user
  3. Input the user ID
  4. Submit the form